Current Week

January 25, 2003


Jan 18, 2003

Jan 11, 2003

Jan 04, 2003

Dec 21, 2002

Dec 14, 2002

Dec 07, 2002

Nov 23, 2002

Nov 16, 2002

Nov 09, 2002

Nov 02, 2002

Oct 26, 2002

Oct 19, 2002

Oct 12, 2002

Oct 05, 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Sep 21, 2002

Sep 14, 2002

Sep 07, 2002

Aug 24, 2002

Aug 17, 2002

Aug 10, 2002

Aug 03, 2002

Jul 27, 2002

Jul 20, 2002

Jul 13, 2002

Jun 29, 2002

Jun 22, 2002

Jun 15, 2002

Jun 08, 2002

Jun 01, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 04, 2002

Apr 27, 2002

Apr 20, 2002

Apr 13, 2002

Apr 06, 2002

Mar 23, 2002

Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Sergeant at Arms Richard Welty advised that the absence of Toastmaster David Rafanowicz this week led to a newfound appreciation of the behind-the-scenes effort that goes into each meeting. He emphasized that each Speaker and Joke Meister should complete the on-line input screens by Thursday each week to facilitate the process.

Regular Club Meeting



Fushan Zhang (Self Imagery)

Word of the Day

Plethora - excess, superfluity. Also: profusion, abundance


Ribbon for best use: Felix Unger

Table Topics

Felix Unger (Word Smiths)

Jim Dominico

Affectation/Amoral: Is an affectation amoral? (1:02)

Charlie Derrick

Confection/Consession: Which is sweeter, a confection or a concession , or are they the same thing? (1:12)

Margo Byerly

SAR/Sarcasm: Where is the SAR in sarcasm? (1:09)

Steve Lazar

Sandtorte/Sand: How much sand is in Sandtorte (1:53) (Best)

Yurania Causey

Antiquity/Antiquated: Give 3 expamples of antiquated antiquity (appx 0:50)



Graeme Matthews

DeBroglie Matter Waves (12:22)

Roy Kenski

Take Advantage (11:17)

Ron Johnson

Organized Chaos, and Silence, Too (7:30)

Jim Dominico

The Three Virtues (7:20) (Best)


Beverly Farnell


Milo Holt (3:46)


Richard Welty (2:53)


Jackie Pease (3:09) (Best)


Danny Pritchard (2:15)


Chris Spears



Guest Comments


Margo Byerly - New in Jacksonville. Moved here from Indiana where she recently completed her CTM. Enjoyed our meeting.

Joke Meister

Steve Lazar (A Helping Hand)

My father-in-law heard this joke while in England during the 2nd World War:

A young man was riding a train this one day. The Conductor checking tickets looks puzzled at the young man and stated, "You have a ticket to Brighton, I see."

"That is correct." the young man said.

"Most unfortunate", said the Conductor, "you see, this train doesn't stop at Brighton on Saturdays.”

“Why that is simply terrible," said the young man, "I must get to Brighton today. It's my dear uncle's funeral and I haven't seen my family in a fortnight."

"'ll talk to the Engineer and see what I can do ," said the Conductor.

The Conductor went to see the Engineer and said, "There a fellow says he wants to go to Brighton, Sir."

The Engineer said, " Well that's most unfortunate. This train doesn't stop at Brighton on Saturdays."

I bloody well told him that ,Sir." Said the Conductor," but the chap's quite insistent and has  a ticket and there was something about a funeral, you see."

The Engineer thought for a moment and then replied,"Tell him I'll slow the train down when we get to the station, and he can jump off the train; but you must insist that he is quite ready and must hit the ground running, hastening forward quickly or run the risk of going head over tea kettle."

The Conductor returned to the young man and said, " The Engineer is willing to slow the train down at the station but you must be prepared to jump and hit the ground running so you don't go head over tea kettle."

The young man agreed and as the train approached the station he was ready with his hat, coat and suitcase. True to his word, the engineer slowed down the train and the young man jumped, running as fast as he could. Well it so happened that he ran so fast that he passed the car he was in and was gaining on the car in front. The Engineer in the next car saw the chap running, reached down and yanked  the fellow up into the car exclaiming, By jove, son, you're lucky I was here. You see, this train doesn't stop at Brighton on Saturdays."



Attendance   16 members and 1 guest

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:15 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
