Beauclerc-Mandarin Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


February 16, 2002


February 9, 2002

International Speech and Table Topics Contests

Contest Master – Richard Welty

Chief Judge – Kathleen Moore (Arlington Toastmasters)

International Speech Contest

David J. Rafanowicz (‘Tis of Thee) (First Place)

Felix Unger (I've Got It Too)

Ulrich Leinhase (Red Skies in the Morning) (Second Place)

George Oehl (Ignorant and Free)


Table Topics Contest (I Had the Best Time)

Milo Holt

Jim Akers (First Place)

Ulrich Leinhase  (Second Place)

David J. Rafanowicz

Colin Murphy

Felix Unger


Many thanks to the judges who gave so willingly of their time to make the contests a success. In addition to Chief Judge Kathleen Moore, four others rose to the occasion: Robert Fendell, Lou Henningsen, Laura Presson, and Dawson Oppenheimer.

One judge, who shall remain unnamed, commented after the contests, “We used to say that Beauclerc-Mandarin was the ‘other best club’ in town. I guess this means that we’re now the ‘other best club.’”

New E-mail Addresses

Members will receive an email address at to make inter-member contact easier.  In most cases, the addresses will be [firstname]  For example, need to contact President George Oehl? Try  E-mail addressed to the mailboxes will be automatically transferred to your existing external e-mail address. Each member will be receiving an e-mail to confirm his/her new e-mail address and the transfer address. By next week, all members should have a address.
