
September 28, 2002


September 21, 2002

September 14, 2002

September 7, 2002

August 17, 2002

August 10, 2002

August 3, 2002

July 27, 2002

July 20, 2002

July 13, 2002

June 29, 2002

June 22, 2002

June 15, 2002

June 8, 2002

June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Danny Pritchard presiding)

As was evident to every Member who walked into the meeting room yesterday, the Paradigm Shift Committee has been hard at work. In an effort to expand seating, the head table was placed on the long, mirrored wall and three rows of tables were positioned perpendicular to the head table. The configuration will comfortably accommodate 34 attendees and is presently considered a test.

Presiding Officer, and Vice President Education & Training,  Danny Pritchard welcomed two guests to the meeting: Shauib Karim, a member of Sound Bytes Toastmasters in Minnesota, who learned about our club on the Internet, and Mark Englen, a guest of Club Member Ulrich Leinhase.

Pritchard reported that Toastmaster Colin Murphy did an excellent job representing our Club at the Division-level Evaluation Contest last Saturday and should have won according to scoring at Pritchard’s table. Unfortunately, the judges failed to recognize Colin’s talent.

Toastmaster Pritchard put out a call for volunteers for the District Fall Conference to be held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel, October 25-27. Our Club has been asked to have two members to carry the Club banner during a Saturday morning opening ceremony. Additionally, a request was received for anyone willing to man tables or fill other support functions. Contact Danny if you are interested in carrying the banner, or District Governor Holly Walker to volunteer for other roles. 

Toastmaster Milo Holt announced that Member and Past President (1995-96) Mel Schulman has recently been ill and hospitalized. Holt circulated a card for all present to send along best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Charlie Derrick (1st time in the Toastmaster role)

Word of the Day –  preposterous (adjective)

outrageous or absurd: going very much against what is thought to be sensible or reasonable

Ribbon for best use to: Jim Domenico

Table Topics – Ellen Unger (We’re All Collectors at Heart)

Mel Epley

What Would You Consider a Great Find at an Antique Mall or a Flea Market? (1:50)

Danny Pritchard

What Do You Collect and Why? (1:23)

Monica Harrell

What Should People Start Collecting Now? (1:00)

Felix Unger

Describe the Idea of Shabby Chic (1:17)


Steve Lazar

NM - Happily Ever After (Marital Bliss Requires Lots of Hard Work – Doing Chores for She Who Must be Obeyed) (6:50)

David Rafanowicz

NM - Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury (The Case Against Saddam Hussein and Those Who Fail to Act) (7:50)

Chris Spears

#4 - To Tile or Not to Tile (“Norm” has Nothing Over on Me) (7:18) (Best)

Fushan Zhang

#8 - How Much Sugar in Our Soft Drinks? (How Many Tablespoons Would You Like With That Soda?)  (6:38)


Jim Domenico – The Value of Written Communication (Provide written feedback to each speaker to help both the speaker and yourself)

Evalumaster – Milo Holt (What a Great Group)

Richard Welty


Jackie Pease


Nandu Shah

(2:40) (Best)

Graeme Matthews



Guest Comments

Shauib Karim- different from my club in Minnesota. Moving to Jacksonville. Want to join. Will see you next week.

Mark Englen – currently moving from Boston to Jacksonville. This was a very positive experience. Thank you for having me.

Joke Meister – Yurania Causey (Attack of the Aliens)

The President was awakened one night by an urgent call from the Pentagon.

“Mr. President,” said the four-star General, barely able to contain himself, “there’s good new and bad news.”

“Oh no,” muttered the President, “Well, let me have the bad news first.”

 “The bad news sir is that we’ve been invaded by creatures from another planet.”

“Gosh, and what’s the good news?”

“The good news, sir, it that they eat reporters and pee oil.”


Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz pointed out the five-week meeting schedule now includes member’s current assignments or the reverse side of the double-sided copy.

Toastmaster Felix Unger floated an idea that one way to save time may be to limit Club business to one meeting per month.

President Akers, who arrived to participate in the second half of the meeting after a long drive from Virginia, reminded the Club that semi-annual dues are due at Toastmasters International and requested anyone who had not already paid to please do so.

Toastmaster Graeme Matthews volunteered for vacant Speaker no. 4 slot October 26. However, VP Education & Training Danny Pritchard advised after the meeting that Matthews is slated to be out of town that day. Anyone interested in the slot should e-mail Danny ASAP.

Attendance   20 members and 2 guests

Vice President Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:14 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
