
October 12, 2002


October 5, 2002

September 28, 2002

September 21, 2002

September 14, 2002

September 7, 2002

August 24, 2002

August 17, 2002

August 10, 2002

August 3, 2002

July 27, 2002

July 20, 2002

July 13, 2002

June 29, 2002

June 22, 2002

June 15, 2002

June 8, 2002

June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002



Although invisible to our readers, this edition of Member’s News and Notes marks a milestone in its production. In the past, notes of each activity were written at the meeting and typed freeform into a document. Beginning this edition, prior to each meeting a form with much of the information already filled in (a byproduct of the Scheduling and Speaker Introduction systems) will be generated (roles, speech titles, etc.). At the meeting, only changes and incremental information will be recorded.

After the meeting, Club Secretary Yurania Causey will enter changes and new data into an on-line screen specially designed and formatted for that purpose. Once Yurania hits the “Submit” button, the data is forwarded via e-mail in a standardized format and captured in a template that generates a first draft of the newsletter. The final step is editing and addition of colorful commentary.

In order for the process to work at peak efficiency, all Speakers should complete the Speaker Introduction screen by Thursday prior to the meeting and the VP Education & Training should receive word of any assignment changes before the meeting. We’re also looking at the possibility of an input screen for the week’s Joke Meister and Table Topics Master.

Congratulations and many thanks to Yurania on becoming the primary reporter on the Member’s News and Notes Staff. This is her inaugural edition! Any colorful comments found to be objectionable are solely the result of editorial tinkering.

Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

President Jim Akers recognized the attendance of long-time member and Past President Mel Schulman, who had been unavailable to attend recently due to employment obligations. Welcome home Mel!

Immediate Past President George Oehl presented a Club Membership Award Ribbon issued by Toastmasters International in recognition of the Club achieving the goal of acquiring five new members. (Another TI ribbon on George’s watch).

Current President Jim Akers presented an award plaque to George Oehl in recognition of his outstanding leadership as Club President in the previous term.

Toastmasters Steve Lazar and Lisa Gibson are organizing a Speech Craft program (a two-part program) in February 2003 for both the staff and residents of Hubbard House. Anyone interested in assisting to make this community outreach program a success should contact Steve or Lisa.

Vice President of Membership Millie Tannen distributed a survey among members and will use responses to assure that members' expectations are addressed.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Graeme Matthews 

Word of the Day –  Circumlocution (noun)

indirect way of saying something: the use of more words than necessary to express something, especially to avoid saying it directly

Ribbon for best use to: Milo Holt (either for use of the word itself or for demonstrating the concept through example)

Table TopicsJohn Roberts (A mixed bag)

Nandu Shah

Baseball – What team will win the American League Playoffs? (1:42)

Davis Loop

Baseball – What team will win the American League Playoffs (1:18)

Milo Holt

Recent Traffic Wreck - What would be your advise to youngsters driving in the fog? (2.22)

Theresa Bates

Rickey Lake? – What is your opinion on why wives are beating up on their husbands? (0:49)

Ron Johnson

Same question from the male perspective –What is your opinion on why wives are beating up on their husbands? (1:10) (Best) (Wowed them with, “Mr. Topics Master, why are you watching TV programs where such issues come up?”


Grant McManus

The Total Picture (An introspective reflection and personal account of a tragic death that could have been avoided if people had just taken the time to care.) (9:40) Congratulations to Grant on achieving his CTM today!

Roy Kenski

The Runty Duckling (Persistent is the only essential element to success) (5:21)

George Oehl

Ahh...Oh Nature, Oh Beauty! (A 14-mile hike in the woods with a full backpack, no mosquito repellent and lots of ego to lug along) (8:22)

Richard Welty

Sir Winston Churchill (In honor of an esteemed statesman and orator who lived in a time when a politician could get away with commenting to  woman who noticed that he was inebriated, “Yes I am madam, but you are ugly and I shall be sober in the morning.”  (6:35) (Best)


Millie TannenSilence is Golden (Effective use of a long pause can add significant texture to your speech and allow the audience time to savor a thought) (2:25)

Evalumaster – Yurania Causey (Excellent meeting, four good speeches, I’m proud to be a member of this club.)

Lisa Gibson


Jim Domenico

(3:27) (Best)

Milo Holt


Ulrich Leinhase



Guest Comments

Mary Antunez—Enjoyed the meeting. Thank you for having me. New to Jacksonville. A friend recommended her to visit Toastmasters. Found us on the Internet.

William Maddox – Thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and the speeches. Wife was a was a Toastmasters member in Georgia.

Joke Meister – Nandu Shah

A man and his wife were asleep upstairs when the wife heard some noises coming from downstairs.  She awoke her husband and told him someone was trying to break in. He investigated and found there were two men trying to gain entry, so he called the the police.

"Officer, officer, somebody is trying to break into our house," he whispered into the telephone. “Sorry,” said the officer, "We’re under-staffed tonight and can’t get there for another hour and a half.”

A few minutes later, the man called back and told the officer that he had shot and killed the two would-be burglars.  In just a few minutes, police and emergency vehicles converged on the scene and arrested the two thieves.  A cop knocked on the door and said, “I thought you said you had shot and killed the intruders.”  “Yes,” the man responded, “and I thought you said you would not be available for another hour and half.”


Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz announced that Historical Committee Chairman Milo Holt had gathered complete information about Past Club Presidents from 1981 to present and the information was available on the Club  web site. Many thanks to Milo for his continuing efforts to document the Toast of Jax legacy.

President Akers recognized Toastmaster Grant McManus for achieving his CTM today and commented that he had signed the CTM application of Toastmaster Don Lemcool today also.

Attendance   22 members and 2 guests

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:10  a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
