Toast of Jax Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


May 11, 2002


May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (George Oehl presiding)

David J. Rafanowicz debuted the new lectern, constructed of oak and substantially complete. The finished lectern will have a drawer, a storage compartment, a logo mounted on the front and it will be finished in a dark stain.

President George Oehl reviewed the slate of officers for next term: Jim Akers as President, Danny Pritchard as VP Education and Training, Beverly as Vice President Public Relations, Millie Tannen as VP Membership, Yurania Causey as Club Secretary, Roy Kenski as Treasurer and Richard Welty as Sergeant at Arms, and announced that an officer induction ceremony will occur June 29.

John Roberts announced success in having club meeting announcements placed in the Daily Record Jacksonville-s Bar Bulletin and in Serendipity.

Graeme Matthews reported on a telephone discussion with Dave Ja

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Don Lemcool

Word of the Day – finicky (adjective)

1 : extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards; 2 : requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort

(plus abstemious carried over from last week)

Ribbon for best use to Millie Tannen.

Table Topics – Steve Lazar (Its Mother’s Day tomorrow)

Danny Pritchard

My Mother Knows How To? (1:20)

Graeme Matthews

If it Weren’t for My Mother I Would? (2:36) (Best)

Roy Kenski

When I Think of My Mother I? (2:01)

Millie Tannen

If I Could Have a Second Mom, I Would Choose? (1:52)

David Rafanowicz

Tomorrow I Will Honor My Mother By? (1:19)


Theresa Bates

Ice Breaker – Fear of Speaking (7:00) (Best)

Ron Johnson

#2 – Power of Marketing (7:29)

Ulrich Leinhase

Standby Speaker – Hip pocket speech titled Personality (5:15)




Nandu Shah – Body Language – effective use of communication’s non-verbal aspects. (2:52)

Evalumaster – Jim Akers

Grant McManus


George Oehl


Chris Spears

(2:59) (Best)

Attendance – 22 members – 1 Guest (Monica Harrell)


Guest Monica Harrell had been a member previously and announced that she is returning to active membership and rejoining the Club.

Toastmaster Don Lemcool responded to an inquiry on an upcoming tour of duty that will take him out to sea with the U.S. Navy in the months ahead. 

Milo Holt punned that when you cross a praying mantis with a termite you get a critter that says grace before it eats your home.

David J. Rafanowicz briefly reviewed the history of the lectern search, which began more than two years ago, as a segue to request President Oehl to ask for a volunteer to create a club history. Toastmaster Milo Holt was volunteered for the task.

Joke of the Day – delivered by Ulrich Leinhase – A 75-year-old gave birth to a new baby.  When friends came to see the child, the new parent deferred, suggesting that they wait until the baby awoke and starting crying. Asked why there couldn’t peek in on the sleeping baby, the new parent admitted that she forgot where she left it.

Richard Welty reviewed a news item about a blonde who experienced performance problems with her new boat.  Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that she had left the trailer attached when she put the boat in the water.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
