Toast of Jax Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


May 4, 2002


April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Felix Unger presiding)

David J. Rafanowicz reviewed the status of the lectern project, reporting that the prototype was nearing completion. David asked for a volunteer to do the staining portion and requested information on a source to either laser-etch or sandblast a logo.

Graeme Matthews reported on a telephone discussion with Dave Jackson. Dave’s e-mail will be up and running in a couple of weeks. 

Roy Kenski, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, reviewed the nominations for officers prior to an election by ballot. After all votes were tallied, the new slate of officers beginning July 1 will be:


Jim Akers

VP Ed. & Train.

Danny Pritchard

VP Public Relations

Beverly Farnell

VP Membership

Millie Tannen


Yurania Causey


Roy Kenski

Sergeant at Arms

Richard Welty

Regular Club Meeting

ToastmasterMilo Holt

Word of the Day – Abstemious  (adjective)

marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol; also reflecting such restraint

Ribbon withheld as a gesture of abstemiousness.

Table Topics – Felix Unger (1902 history – 2102 projections)

Nandu Shah

Life Expectancy in 2102 (1:30)

Graeme Matthews

Describe  a 2102 Telephone (1:41)

Roy Kenski

How Many Stars were on our Flag in 1902 (1:47)

Theresa Bates

Describe the Car Situation in 2102 (0:57)

Colin Murphy

What Will be the State of Medical Science in 2102? (1:43) (Best)


Millie Tannen

# 7 – Alternative Realities (5:35) (Best)

Jim Akers

#10 – Five Wishes (10:18)

Congratulations to Jim on achieving CTM

Steve Lazar

Standby Speaker – Hip pocket speech titled My Small Miracles (8:30)`




Don Lemcool – Mentoring in Toastmasters Today – The value of mentoring for the member, the mentor and the club.  (3:30)

Evalumaster – Yurania Causey

Nandu Shah


David Rafanowicz

(3:23) (Best)

Ulrich Leinhase


Attendance – 19 members – 1 Guest (Dale Howard, DTM)


Guest Dale Howard, a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) visiting from Northern Georgia, commented favorably on the meeting and announced that since he will be visiting Jacksonville regularly he may become a member of our Club.

Graeme Matthews commented that the meeting had run significantly overtime and that the same occurred last week.

Joke of the Day – delivered by David J. Rafanowicz – A frog inquired about his future with the Psychic Hotline. Told that he would meet a beautiful, intelligent young woman who would want to know everything in the world about him, the frog asked excitedly if he would meet her at a party. “No,” replied the psychic, “you’ll meet her in a biology class.”

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
