Beauclerc-Mandarin Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


March 23, 2002


March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Felix Unger presiding)

Richard Welty announced that our Club swept the Area 22 Table Topics and International Speech Contests, with Jim Akers and David J. Rafanowicz bringing home first place awards. Both Jim and David will proceed to the Division level contests.

Richard Welty also announced that Ulrich Leinhase’s wife is in the hospital. A get-well card was circulated for signature.

Club Treasurer Colin Murphy requested that all semi-annual dues be remitted before the end of the meeting.

David J. Rafanowicz announced that Area Governor Holly Walker recognized the Club at the area contests for having achieved Select Distinguished status. Holly presented the club with award ribbons to recognize the achievement.

The Presiding Officer announced that any new business would be tabled due to absence of the President.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Jim Domenico

Word of the Day – champion

Function: noun

1: warrior, fighter; 2: a militant advocate or defender; 3: one that does battle for another's rights or honor; 4 : a winner of first prize or first place in competition; also : one who shows marked superiority Ribbon to Ellen Unger for best use.

Function: transitive verb

1 (archaic): challenge, defy; 2: to protect or fight for as a champion; 3: to act as militant supporter of : uphold, advocate

Ribbon to Lisa Gibson for best use.

Table Topics – Kevin Farr (Theme: The South and the Law)

Mel Epley

Confederate flag meaning & display (1:28)

Don Lemcool

Should South Carolina change their flag? (1:54)

Danny Pritchard

A law against burning the U.S. flag? (1:16)

Richard Welty

Pledge of Allegiance in schools? (2:07) (Best)

Beverly Farnell

School prayer? (1:19)


Milo Holt

NM – Manure Byproduct. More Power (5:00)

Lisa Gibson

#8 – Tomorrow (5:03) (Best)

Fushan Zhang

#6 – Cyanide Chemical & Terrorist Attacks (6:48)




Colin Murphy – Applying What You Know at Work (3:50)

Evalumaster – Charlie Derrick (First time as Evalumaster)

Chris Spears


Richard Welty

(3:10) (Best)

Ron Johnson


Attendance – 18 members and 2 guests (Leah Barnes and Tisha Mejias from FCCJ)


Northeast Division contests will be held on Friday evening, April 26 at the Ramada Inn. Members are encouraged to come to the dinner and support the Club’s participants.

Visiting guests from FCCJ were provided the club’s web address and asked to pass it along to others in their communications classes.

A committee meeting for the Youth Leadership program is being held at the Mandarin Library at 10:00 a.m. to finalize plans.

And a good time was had by all!
