Beauclerc-Mandarin Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


April 6, 2002


March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (George Oehl presiding)

Beverly Farnell reviewed status of the Youth Leadership Program. Beverly announced that the program will launch on schedule. The first session will be held tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. with 20 or more participants expected. A meeting of the YLP Executive Committee will be held at 10:00 a.m. today, at the Mandarin Library, to finalize launch details

David J. Rafanowicz reviewed status of the club’s efforts to design and build a new lectern. David reported that he had visited the Lillian Bradley Toastmasters club to measure their custom-designed lectern, but found that the club’s lectern had been missing for a long time.

George Oehl recognized Jim Akers and David J. Rafanowicz for achieving First Place in the Area level Table Topics and International Speech contests. George encouraged all members of the Club to attend the Division level contest on Apil 26 to show support for Jim and David.

David J. Rafanowicz introduced a Written Motion to Amend, moving that a vote be taken at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting where a forum is present to change the Club’s name to Toast of Jax Toastmasters. The motion was duly seconded and further discussion tabled until prior to the actual vote.

Vice President Education & Training Felix Unger discussed efforts underway to enhance the forward scheduling process. Felix encouraged members to communicate objects and volunteer for future assignments.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Richard Welty

Word of the Day – prevaricate 

Function: intransitive verb

to deviate from the truth

Ribbon to Jim Domenico for best use.

Table Topics – Jim Domenico

John Roberts

That was Then, This is Now (1:43)

Millie Tannen

Been There, Done That (1:25) (Best)

David Rafanowicz

For the First and Last Time (2:13)

George Oehl

Where Have You Been? (1:25)

Milo Holt

That was Then, This is Now (2:12)


Danny Pritchard

Best Club Series – Outstanding Club Climate (8:05)

Jackie Pease

NM – Bio-Chemical Engineers (7:40)

Ulrich Leinhase

NM – All About Pain (10:15) (Best)




Nandu Shah – Effective Speech Evaluation (3:00)

Evalumaster – Kevin Farr (First time as Evalumaster)

Don Lemcool

(2:30) (Best)

Steve Lazar


Chris Spears


Attendance – 25 members and 4 guests – (Wow!)


Ulrich Leinhase expressed thanks to the club for its thoughtfulness in reaching out during his wife’s illness and reported that she is doing well.

Felix Unger reported that Ellen is home recuperating from her recent hospitalization and express thanks to the club for all the get-well wishes and prayers.

David J. Rafanowicz recognized this week’s Unsung Heros – Beverly Farnell for her outstanding work on the Youth Leadership Program; Richard Welty for taking home the clubs several bins of accumulated materials and sorting through them over the past two weeks; and Steve Lazar for his impromptu drawing of a new Club logo if the Club changes its name to Toast of Jax. Kudos to all.

Visiting guests from FCCJ were provided the club’s web address and asked to pass it along to others in their communications classes.

And a good time was had by all!
