Beauclerc-Mandarin Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


March 16, 2002


March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Felix Unger presiding)

Reminder that the Area 22 Table Topics and International Speech Contests will be held next Friday, March 22. Details are available on the web site.

Beverly Farnell, VP of Public Relations, has provided the Club additional exposure by adding it to a Community Calendar on the web site.  See

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Jim Akers

Word of the Day – recalcitrant

adjective 1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint; 2 a : difficult to manage or operate b : not responsive to treatment c : resistant

Ribbon to Ellen Unger for best use.  

Table Topics – Richard Welty  (Theme: In the News)

Don Lemcool

Dear Abbey - turn in a child pornographer (2:02)

Milo Holt

Enron and Global Crossing Similarities (1:51)

Colin Murphy

Middle East Envoy – Will it Work? (1:09) (Best)

Jim Domenico

DNA Testing and Justice (1:19)

Millie Tannen

The Irish Rovers at the World Gold Village (1:08)

Jackie Pease

NCAA Basketball – Gonzaga Lost the Game (1:35)


Ellen Unger

# 5 – The Best Time (8:01)

Steve Lazar

NM – Help for the Parents of a Teenager (9:42)

Ron Johnson

#1 – Ice Breaker (5:58) (Best)


Jackie Pease – Selecting a Speech Topic (4:02)

Evalumaster – David J. Rafanowicz

Mel Epley


Ulrich Leinhase

(3:08) (Best)

Deborah Leboire


Attendance – 20 members and 1 guests


Club Treasurer Murphy reminded those present that semi-annual DUES are due by next meeting to allow sufficient time form mailing to TI.

Milo Holt provided a new e-mail address and telephone number for Dave Jackson in Virginia.  Dave can be reached at (757) 259-0245 or through a club e-mail address: Dave would certainly like to hear from his Toastmaster family.

And a good time was had by all!
