Current Week

November 16, 2002


Nov 09, 2002

Nov 02, 2002

Oct 26, 2002

Oct 19, 2002

Oct 12, 2002

Oct 05, 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Sep 21, 2002

Sep 14, 2002

Sep 07, 2002

Aug 24, 2002

Aug 17, 2002

Aug 10, 2002

Aug 03, 2002

Jul 27, 2002

Jul 20, 2002

Jul 13, 2002

Jun 29, 2002

Jun 22, 2002

Jun 15, 2002

Jun 08, 2002

Jun 01, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 04, 2002

Apr 27, 2002

Apr 20, 2002

Apr 13, 2002

Apr 06, 2002

Mar 23, 2002

Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

Club Secretary Yurania Causey presented the membership application of Bill Maddox for consideration. A motion to accept the application was made, seconded and discussed before receiving a favorable vote by the membership present. Welcome new member Bill Maddox. (Bill’s e-mail address will be

President Akers discussed the upcoming holiday schedule, and pointed out that Christmas and New Years fall on Wednesdays this holiday season. A motion was made to hold meetings December 21 and January 4, with no meeting to be held December 28.  The motion was adopted after being seconded and discussed.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Betty Gambill (Service to country and fellow man)

Word of the Day –  Integrity (noun)

1.  possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards; 

2. completeness: the state of being complete or undivided;

3. wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged.

Ribbon for best use: Monica Harrell

Table Topics – Monica Harrell (That's Entertainment)

Ellen Unger

Tell Us About the Last Movie You Watched (1:25)

Millie Tannen

Tell Us About a Concert You Attended (1:10) (Best)

Felix Unger

Tell Us About a Sport You Participated In (1:31)

Yurania Causey

Tell Us About a Visit to a Theme Park (2:07)

Davis Loop

If You Could Spend a Day with a Celebrity of Your Choice, Who Would It Be and Why? (1:30)



Beverly Farnell

Lethal Weapon (Reminisces of a Black Belt Tae Kwon Do Expert Otherwise Known as “Mom”) (7:38)


Lisa Gibson

Good Communications (What Does it Take to be an Effective Speaker?)(5:52)


Jackie Pease

Patents (A Technical Briefing for the Latent Inventor in Each of Us on How to Protect Our Latent Inventions) (7:27) (Best)


Ron Johnson

Soap Operas and Pizza (The Commercializing of Everything from Soup to Nuts – or Soap to Pizza) (7:10)


Jim Akers – Excellent meeting with four great Speakers and Evaluators, proving once again that “Toastmasters works.”



Ulrich Leinhase (2:44)




Richard Welty (2:48)




Mel Epley (2:03)




David Rafanowicz (2:03) (Best)


Educational Speech

Charlie Derrick

Secrets of an Effective Speech (Six Tips of a Professional Speaker on How to Deliver a Great Speech – Prepare; Make it Personal; Relax; Use Natural Humor; Plan Your Gestures; and Pay Attention to Details) 


Guest Comments

Mandy Janish- It was AWESOME! I learned that it's ok to talk with your hands. Glad to be here. Thank you.

Joke Meister – Roy Kenski

One snake says to another snake "Do you mind if I shed"... The other snake says "No skin off my back.”


President Akers announced that Member Mel Schulman sent a postcard from Jerusalem, where he is currently visiting, and asked that we keep Mel in our thoughts and prayers.

Attendance   22 members and 1 guest

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:02 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz editor
