
August 17, 2002


August 10, 2002

August 3, 2002

July 27, 2002

July 20, 2002

July 13, 2002

June 29, 2002

June 22, 2002

June 15, 2002

June 8, 2002

June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

President Jim Akers read an e-mail from Chris Cluck, Area Governor of Area 60, District 63, in Clarksville, Tennessee.  Chris wrote, “I was just on Toastmasters International site, looking for a club to visit in Jacksonville, Florida during my trip there next week.  I came across your club website.... Wow is all I have to say!  Very impressive!  Your page is both very professional and helpful.  I looked at it from both a member standpoint and a potential guest.  It has just about everything I could think of wanting!  I love the logo too!”

Toastmaster John Roberts announced that volunteers are needed to serve as Judges for next week’s contests.

Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz reminded members of two new protocols adopted last week: a) weekly agendas, five week schedules and ballots are now at the Money Collector’s table; and b) after the Joke Meister, members will signal Thumbs Up (good, appropriate joke), Thumbs Down (didn’t quite make the grade), or Hand on Throat (he/she died on that one). The Presiding Officer will provide instant feedback on the group consensus. 

Toastmaster Roy Kenski requested volunteer Judges for the City of Jacksonville club contests, to be held  Noon, Thursday, August 22, at the main library downtown.

Toastmaster Nadu Shah proposed that the Grammarian be responsible for monitoring use of the Word of the Day and selecting the member who used it best, to avoid confusion. Motion duly made, seconded and carried.

Immediate Past President George Oehl presented a Select Distinguished Club ribbon earned by the club for attaining its goals during his watch.

Toastmaster Rafanowicz announced that the club now has an official mailing address – P.O. Box 600036, Jacksonville, FL 32260 – and that VP Membership Millie Tannen is now sending a personal letter to each guest (along with membership information). 

President Akers announced that semi-annual dues will be due by September 21. E-mail statements will be issued by Club Treasurer Roy Kenski prior to the due date.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Roy Kenski  (Demolition and Progress – Renewal)

Word of the Day – raze (transitive verb)

1 a archaic : ERASE b : to scrape, cut, or shave off

2 : to destroy to the ground : DEMOLISH

Ribbon for best use to: Theresa Bates

Table Topics – Yurania Causey (Who Are You?)

Charlie Derrick

Tell Me About Yourself (1:56)

David Rafanowicz 

How Would You Describe Yourself? (2:07)

Graeme Matthews

What Does Success Mean to You?  (1:59) (Best)

Jim Akers

What Have You Learned From Past Mistakes? (1:34)

George Oehl

What Would You Do if You Won the Lottery? (2:03)


Jackie Pease 

ADV-Speaking to Inform – Really Big Clothing (Keeping a Paper Mill Process Clean) (10:30)

Danny Pritchard

ADV – Technical Presentations – See it, Smell it, Get Rid of It (A Home Inspector’s Guide to Dealing with Mold Infestation) (8:10 speech and 3:58 for Q&A)

Theresa Bates

#2 – When in Doubt, Check it Out (The Value of Getting a Second Medical Opinion) (7:50) (Best)


Milo Holt – The Role of a Club Host  

Evalumaster – John Roberts

Grant McManus


Nandu Shah


Ron Johnson

(3:09) (Best)


Guest comments

Eddy Alvarez – (repeat guest) Enjoyed it again today.

Joke Meister – Ulrich Leinhase (I’m from the Gov’ment)

A farmer was walking his property one afternoon and noticed a man in a suit walking in one of the fields. “Hey,” the farmer hollered, “you can’t walk in that field.”  The man called out, “I’m from the government.  I can walk in any field I want.” He flashed an official-looking government ID card to put the matter to rest. The farmer looked at his card, but told the man he still couldn’t walk in the field. The man persisted, “I’m a government employee and I can walk in any field I want.”  The farmer shook his head and walked off, but soon heard the man yelling for help.  “Help! Help!” he urged as a huge, angry bull chased him through the field. “Just show him your government ID,” suggested the farmer.

Toastmaster Milo Holt reported on a call with Honorary Member Dave Jackson. Dave sends his greetings from Portsmouth. He’s doing well and reports that three people attended his Toastmaster meeting there (but, he will make it a success). E-mail Dave at

Toastmaster Charlie Derrick invited members to attend an event where he will be speaking at 6:30 PM, Wednesday, August 21. The presentation, Five Steps to Super Profits for Your Business, will be delivered at the Embassy Suites Hotel on Bay Meadows Road. If you would like to attend as his guest, e-mail Charlie at

Attendance: 21 members and 1 guest

The meeting was adjourned with a Presidential flourish at 9:08 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
