Toast of Jax Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


June 1, 2002


May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (George Oehl presiding)

George Oehl announced that the Club had received a new “Talk it Up Toastmasters” award ribbon for five new members joining between March and April (and we weren’t even trying.)

George also announced that the Club received its new charter, reflecting the “Toast of Jax” Toastmasters name change. The certificate shows that the Club was chartered June 30, 1973. It will be laminated for inclusion in the Club’s historic archives.

Nandu Shah reviewed the Youth Leadership Program, calling it “extremely successful” and recognized members who participated for their work with the group, most especially Program Coordinator Beverly Farnell and David Rafanowicz. Nandu stated that 17 young adults completed the program.

David J. Rafanowicz commented further on the Youth Leadership Program. He discussed the final YLP meeting and said that participant Mayuri Shah delivered a speech that would have won the ribbon at one of our regular Club meetings. He added that he believes we made a difference in our community and that the Club should be proud of the accomplishment.

John Roberts reminded the Club of the Dramatic Reading and Extemporaneous Speech contests. to be held at the Saturday, June 22, 2002 meeting, and roles to be filled.

Milo Holt reviewed his recent contact with Honorary Member Dave Jackson. Dave is catching up on his e-mail and has joined a small Toastmasters club in Williamsburg, Virginia. His health is improving.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Ellen Unger (1st time)

Word of the Day – pertinacious (adjective)

1. a: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design b: perversely persistent; 2. stubbornly unyielding or tenacious

Ribbon for best use to Roy Kenski

Table Topics – Yurania Causey (Do you believe . . .)

Dale Howard

. . . in Extra Terrestrials? (1:49)

Danny Pritchard

. . . You Have a Guardian Angel? (1:08)

Diana Marquez-Jaile

. . . There’s Life After Death? (1:47)

Nandu Shah

. . . There’s a Heaven and a Hell? (1:32)

Sandra Rodrigues

What is Love and What is Hate? (1:42) (Best)


Monica Harrell

Icebreaker – ISTJ, My Personality Type– (4:12)

Lisa Gibson

#9 – Have You Heard? (7:14)

Roy Kenski

ADV – Storytelling – Briar Rabbit Whops Up on the Lion (7:15) (Best)




John Roberts – Take a Risk –deliver a hip pocket speech as a Standby.

Evalumaster – George Oehl

Don Lemcool


Felix Unger


Ron Johnson

(2:48) (Best)

Evalumster Oehl reviewed lectern protocol and how to properly transfer control of the lectern to the next speaker

Attendance – 27 members – 1 guest (Florence Ade – invited by Yurania Causey) (Wow! 27 members present despite absence of two regulars. A new record. Let’s keep it up! It makes for a great meeting.)


Guest Florence Ade commented favorably on the meeting.

Joke of the Day – delivered by Sandra Rodrigues

The CIA was looking for a capable assassin and had three candidates, two men and a woman. They gave the first man a gun and told him his wife was in the other room. He was to go in and kill her. When he said he couldn’t do it, he flunked out. The next man actually entered the room, but came out moments later and reported that he could not kill his spouse either. Then they gave the woman the gun and she entered a room with her husband seated inside. In seconds gun shots rang out. Then loud noises and an apparent scuffle ensued. In a few minutes, the woman returned. She reported that there were blanks in the gun, so she had to pistol-whip him to death.

George Oehl stuck to his tradition and adjourned the meeting with, “May God bless you all; May God bless America. You are Toast of Jax Toastmasters; now go out and make the world a better place.”

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
