Toast of Jax Toastmasters

Club 3397 – Area 22 – Northeast Division - District 47

Member’s News and Notes


June 8, 2002


June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (George Oehl presiding)

David J. Rafanowicz announced that the Youth Leadership Program was the subject of a 350-word news article in this morning’s Florida Times Union newspaper, passed out a copy of the article to members and recognized Vice President Public Relations Beverly Farnell for her work. President Oehl also presented Farnell an award for the accomplishment. (Click <HERE> to link to article.)

Nandu Shah reviewed evaluations provided by Youth Leadership Program participants. The group gave the highest grades effectiveness of program leaders and lowest to content of the manual. On suggestions for improvement, participants commented upon the meeting room. On the positive side, participants suggested the they would like to continue the program and that they would recommend it to their friends.

John Roberts raised the topic of July 4 Independence Day holiday, which falls on a Thursday this year.  THERE WILL BE NO MEETING SATURDAY, JULY 6 DUE TO THE HOLIDAY

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Ulrich Leinhase 

Word of the Day – Immix (transitive verb)

to mix intimately : commingle

Ribbon for best use to: John Roberts

Table Topics – Charlie Derrick – In the News

Jim Domenico

Did the FBI/CIA Drop the Ball? (1:45)

John  Roberts

Will the New Homeland Security Department Be More Effective? (1:07)

David Rafanowicz

Your Thoughts on Profiling (2:08) (Best)

Roy Kenski

Customs Checks Only 1-in-50 Ocean Freight Containers (2:20)

Millie Tannen

CNN Lou Dobbs’ Comment Calling for a War Against Islamists. (2:05)


Graeme Matthews

Speech #6 redux – Is Your Net Working?  (alternatively: The String Thing) (7:11)

Beverly Farnell

#5 – The Proof is in the Puddin’ (A review of the Youth Leadership Program) (6:14)

Mayuri Shah

Guest Speaker from the Youth Leadership Program (the Puddin’ Beverly Farnell spoke about) – The Generation Gap – (4:57) (Best) (Received standing ovation)




Steve Lazar – Was I Really Doing That –(a review of unconscious movements and distracting habits at the lectern)

Evalumaster – Nandu Shah

Jim Akers


Chris Spears


Theresa Bates

(2:32) (Best)


Attendance – 23 members – 1 guest (Mayuri Shah, a participant in the Youth Leadership Program, appeared as a guest speaker to demonstrate the program’s success and greatly impressed the group.)


Guest Mayuri Shah commented favorable on the meeting and on the Youth Leadership Program.

President Oehl announced that David J. Rafanowicz has agreed to serve as Chairperson, in a background role, to organize another Youth Leadership Program, probably in the Fall, and asked for volunteers. Anyone interested in serving as Program Coordinator, assistant, or advisor should contact George or David.

David J. Rafanowicz bought up an idea for potential consideration at a future business meeting. David suggested that with over 40 members, if we each contributed as little as $12 the club could offer a $500 college scholarship in connection with the next YLP. (Note: Donations to the club are tax deductible. Details of such a scholarship and how it would be awarded would have to be worked out.)

David J. Rafanowicz also raised, for consideration at a future business meeting, comments by Honorary Club Member Dave Jackson in a recent telephone call. After review of the Club’s web site, Jackson remarked that the initial vision of Club Host (a position created when Jackson was Club President) was to meet a guest at the door and introduce the guest a member. The member would then talk to the guest and elicit sufficient information to make a proper introduction. Jackson suggested that the role be returned to its original intent.

Joke of the Day – delivered by Danny Pritchard

A man went to a dentist and inquired how much it would cost to pull a tooth. He balked when the dentist quoted $80 and asked if he could do it for less. When the dentist told him it would be $60 without anesthesia, the man pressed for a further reduction. The dentist advised that he could do it with a pair of pliers for $20, but the man pressed still further. Finally, the dentist agreed that he could have his assistant pull the tooth with pliers, no anesthesia, for just $10.  “Great,” said the man, “I’d like to schedule my wife to come by next week.”

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
