Toast of Jax Toastmasters

District 47 – Division A – Area 22 – Club 3397

Member’s News and Notes


June 29, 2002


June 22, 2002

June 15, 2002

June 8, 2002

June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (George Oehl presiding)

Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz reported on the Club’s new logo and recognized Toastmaster Steve Lazar in absentia (ocean fishing this morning) for his excellent work in drawing and creating the logo. A full history of the logo was reviewed and now appears at the Club’s web site (click logo above to link there). Thanks Steve.

President George Oehl presented awards to the 2001-2002 slate of officers. The awards included:

No Place Like Home Award – Sergeant at Arms Yurania Causey

Golden Pen Award – Club Secretary Danny Pritchard

Alexander Hamilton Award – Treasurer Colin Murphy

Teacher With Love Award – VP Public Relations Beverly Farnell

Burn Baby Burn Award – VP Membership Diana Marquez-Jalie

William Tell Award – VP Education and Training Felix Unger

President Oehl awarded Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz “The Merlin Award” and recognized him as Toastmaster of the Year. A brass plate with David’s name was added to the President’s Toastmaster of the Year pillar. The club recognized David with a standing ovation.

A formal induction of the incoming slate of officers was conducted, with President Oehl reading the duties of each office. George received a commitment from each new officer, with gavel in hand, that he or she would perform those duties. Each incoming officer was given a copy of the Club Constitution and By-Laws along with information on upcoming officer’s training. The new slate of officers, effective July 1, 2002, will be:


Jim Akers

VP Ed. & Train.

Danny Pritchard

VP Public Relations

Beverly Farnell

VP Membership

Millie Tannen


Yurania Causey


Roy Kenski

Sergeant at Arms

Richard Welty

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Don Lemcool  (Theme: Toastmasters Works)

Word of the Day – acquiesce (intransitive verb)

to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively

Ribbon for best use to: Sandra Rodrigues 

Table TopicsMilo Holt – The Fourth of July

What does the following word mean to you?

David Rafanowicz 

Firecracker (3:00)

Theresa Bates

Sparklers (0:47)

Richard Welty

Flag (2:34)

Colin Murphy

Red (2:56)

John  Roberts

White (1:10)

George Oehl

Blue (1:42)

Nandu Shah

Patriotism (1:58) (Best)


Charlie Derrick

#3 – Lighter than Air (The Great Airships) (5-7, 6:12) (Best)

Ellen Unger 

#7 – Déjà vu (5-7, 5:59)

Ulrich Leinhase

Hip Pocket – How to Give a Hip Pocket Speech(5-7, 6:20)




Sandra Rodrigues – What Will You Do With Your Newly Developed Speaking Skills? (3:33)

Evalumaster – Beverly Farnell

Danny Pritchard


Grant McManus

(2:30) (Best)

Millie Tannen


Attendance – 23 members – 1 guest, Freda Laroche, who learned of our Club from the Internet.


Guest comment from Freda Laroche – enjoyed the meeting, had thought about Toastmasters for some time and finally did it.

Toastmaster Jim Akers recognized outgoing President George Oehl for all his accomplishments and called upon the group for a standing ovation (which was delivered with gusto). The club achieved 8 of 10 goals and will receive a recognition ribbon as a result.

President Oehl announced that photographs of new officers would be taken right after the meeting to update the Club web site.

Joke of the Day – delivered by David J. Rafanowicz 

I overhead a man telling an incredible story and stopped to listen. He said that on the last hole of his golf game he came upon a frog. The frog said, “ribit, nine-iron.” The man grabbed a nine-iron and amazingly hit a long shot right into the hole. When he commented that it was a lucky shot, the frog said, “ribit, lucky frog.” Asked if he had other good advice, the frog said, “ribit, Las Vegas,” so the man took the frog to Vegas. At the roulette wheel, the frog said, “ribit, three-black,” so the man bet $1000 on three-black and won lots of cash. Very happy he took the frog up to his room and asked if there was anything he could do for the frog. The frog said, “ribit, kiss me.” The man thought about it for a minute and was so appreciative that he kissed the frog, whereupon it immediately turned into a gorgeous 17-year-old. The man ended the story by saying, “and so help me your Honor, that is exactly how the girl ended up in my hotel room or my name isn’t William Jefferson Clinton.”

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
