
September 21, 2002


September 14, 2002

September 7, 2002

August 24, 2002

August 17, 2002

August 10, 2002

August 3, 2002

July 27, 2002

July 20, 2002

July 13, 2002

June 29, 2002

June 22, 2002

June 15, 2002

June 8, 2002

June 1, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 4, 2002

April 27, 2002

April 20, 2002

April 13, 2002

April 6, 2002

March 23, 2002

March 16, 2002

March 9, 2002

March 2, 2002

February 23, 2002

February 16, 2002

February 9, 2002


Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

Club Secretary Yurania Causey presented two membership applications for consideration. A motion to accept the applications was made, seconded and discussed before receiving a favorable vote by the membership present. Welcome new members Betty Gambill and Davis Loop.

President Jim Akers welcomed new members Gambill and Loop to the Club and welcomed guest Feri Taba to the meeting.

Akers presented departing member John Roberts, DTM, with a plaque recognizing John’s many contributions to the club’s success. John is relocating to the Orlando area in connection with his employment. He plans to continue membership in our “very special club” and will visit as frequently as possible. His club e-mail address will remain active and the Member Contact List will reflect his new telephone number. Stay in touch.

President Akers reminded the Club that semi-annual dues are due today.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Ulrich Leinhase

Word of the Day –  communication (noun)

Exchange of information: the exchange of information between individuals, for example, by means of speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior

Ribbon for best use to: Betty Gambill

Table Topics – David J. Rafanowicz (Idioms – What Does This Mean?)

Davis Loop

Slick as a Whistle (1:04)

Richard Welty

Mind One’s Ps & Qs (1:54)

Betty Gambill

Snug as a Bug in a Rug (1:36)

Colin Murphy

Like Greased Lightening (1:07)

John Roberts

A Snowball’s Chance in Hell 1:37)


Ellen Unger 

#8– Cing tái Blue (The Beauty and Production of Asian Cloisonné) (6:47)

Jackie Pease

NM (Standby) – First and Last (A Heartfelt Tale of New Beginnings and Final Chapters) (6:06) (Best)

Roy Kenski

ADV – A Family Vacation to Scandinavia (Planning a Trip While Building a Coalition) (14:04 + Q & As)

Mel Epley

#8 - Duck, Here It Comes Again . . . and Again (The Threat of a 400-year Meteor Crash and Sensible Investing to Become a Septillionaire in the Meantime) (7:20)

Evalumaster – Sandra Rodrigues

Danny Pritchard


Steve Lazar


Fushan Zhang


Charlie Derrick

(3:23) (Best)


Guest Comments

Feri Taba – Enjoyed the meeting and appreciated the opportunity to attend. Learned of our club through a friend and wants to further develop her communication skills. Dr. Taba confirmed that her son Houtan was a participant in the Club’s Youth Leadership Program. (Houtan served as President and Sgt. at Arms during the program’s two officer slates).

Joke Meister Milo Holt (Hogs and Watermelons – Real Punny Stuff)

What do you call it when your swine are out in the rain?  Hogwash.

Clouds are 100% water while watermelons are 97% water. If a cloud loses 3% of its water, do you call it a watermelon?

Toastmaster Steve Lazar accepted the challenge and answered the question. He inquired, “if a dog has four legs and you call its tail a leg, how many legs does the dog have?  Four, of course, it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s still a leg.”


President Akers reminded the club of Division Level Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests being held at noon at Dave & Buster’s, with our very own Colin Murphy competing in the Evaluation Contest. Good lick to Colin!

Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz announced that e-mail accounts for new members Betty Gambill and Davis Loop will be established. Their addresses will be:

Taostmaster Davis Loop was nominated to fill the vacant slot as Speaker #4 October 19 (to deliver his Icebreaker speech) and accepted the challenge.

Toastmaster Richard Welty called for a brief post-meeting session of the Paradigm Shift Committee to discuss additional seating and timing under the 4-speaker format.

Attendance   27 members and 1 guest

President Akers adjourned the meeting with a Presidential flourish at approximately 9:15 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!
