Current Week

November 9, 2002


Nov 02, 2002

Oct 26, 2002

Oct 19, 2002

Oct 12, 2002

Oct 05, 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Sep 21, 2002

Sep 14, 2002

Sep 07, 2002

Aug 24, 2002

Aug 17, 2002

Aug 10, 2002

Aug 03, 2002

Jul 27, 2002

Jul 20, 2002

Jul 13, 2002

Jun 29, 2002

Jun 22, 2002

Jun 15, 2002

Jun 08, 2002

Jun 01, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 04, 2002

Apr 27, 2002

Apr 20, 2002

Apr 13, 2002

Apr 06, 2002

Mar 23, 2002

Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz mentioned that Christmas and New Years fall on Wednesdays this year and suggested that the Club will need to review the schedule to determine which weeks to meet.

Toastmaster Steve Lazar updated the group on the planned Speechcraft program at Eugene Butler Middle School and continued the call for volunteers to help with the program. The school is five minutes from downtown Jacksonville. Please contact Steve to volunteer.

Regular Club Meeting

Toastmaster – Jackie Pease (A Random Walk)

Word of the Day –  precipitate

1. vt make something happen quickly: to make something happen suddenly and quickly 

2. vt send somebody or something rapidly: to send somebody or something suddenly and rapidly into some state or condition

 3.  vti meteorology make rain or snow fall: to cause liquid or solid forms of water, condensed in the atmosphere, to fall to the ground as rain, snow, or hail, or to fall in such a form 

Ribbon for best use: Beverly Farnell

Table Topics – David Rafanowicz (Sage Advice to the Young)

Shauib Karim

What Career Path Looks Most Promising? (1:49)

Danny Pritchard

Where Should I Invest My Long-Term Money? (1:22) (Best)

Ulrich Leinhase

Does it Still Make Sense to Own Your Own Home? (1:45)

Chris Spears

What’s More Important – What You Know or Who You Know? (1:45)

Davis Loop

Does It Really Matter Who They Appoint to the Supreme Court? (1:30)


Mel Epley

A Penny For Your Thoughts (A Fascinating History of the Lincoln Cent from 1909 to the Present) (8:11)

Beverly Farnell

EGTRRA (Investment Advantages of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001) (4:58)

Milo Holt

The Economics of Aging (Retirement Income – Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail) (8:08)

Betty Gambill

Diversity in Dolls (A Collection of Little People from All Over the World) (7:07) (Best)


Ulrich LeinhaseColors  (The Colors You Wear Speak Volumes Before You Utter the First Word) (2:53)

Evalumaster – Theresa Bates (First-time Evalumaster)

Yurania Causey


Charlie Derrick


Jim Akers


Roy Kenski

(3:09) (Best)


Joke Meister – Chris Spears

President Bill Clinton is visiting an elementary school today and he visits one of the classes (4th grade). They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks the President if he would like to lead the class in the discussion of the word, "tragedy." So our illustrious leader asks the class for an example of a "tragedy."

One little boy stands up and offers, "If my best friend, who lives next door, is playing in the street and a car comes along and runs him over, that would be a tragedy."

"No," says Clinton, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone involved, that would be a tragedy."

"I'm afraid not," explains Mr. President. "That's what we would call a GREAT LOSS."

The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. President Clinton searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

Finally, way in the back of the room, a small boy raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says, "If Air Force One, carrying Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, was struck by a missile and blown up to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.

"Fantastic," exclaims Clinton, "that's right. And can you tell me WHY that would be a tragedy?"

"Well," says the boy, "because it wouldn't be an accident, and it certainly would be no great loss."  ▲▲


President Jim Akers - This is Veteran's Day weekend. Please take time out to remember those who are presently serving and those who have served our country.

Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz – Based on observations, we may want to consider moving the Educational Speaker to follow the Evaluation section to provide a more natural flow with the 5-minute break.

Attendance   18 members and no guests (Holiday weekend for some)

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:12 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz editor
