Current Week

November 23, 2002


Nov 16, 2002

Nov 09, 2002

Nov 02, 2002

Oct 26, 2002

Oct 19, 2002

Oct 12, 2002

Oct 05, 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Sep 21, 2002

Sep 14, 2002

Sep 07, 2002

Aug 24, 2002

Aug 17, 2002

Aug 10, 2002

Aug 03, 2002

Jul 27, 2002

Jul 20, 2002

Jul 13, 2002

Jun 29, 2002

Jun 22, 2002

Jun 15, 2002

Jun 08, 2002

Jun 01, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 04, 2002

Apr 27, 2002

Apr 20, 2002

Apr 13, 2002

Apr 06, 2002

Mar 23, 2002

Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting (Jim Akers presiding)

President Akers announced that the club has acquired a new anodized aluminum easel for members using flipcharts in a speech. Many thanks to Vice President Education & Training Danny Pritchard for handling the transaction and for building a container to protect the easel from damage. Danny ingeniously crafted a container from a PVC fencepost with two end caps. Go Danny!

A motion was made to include a 5-minute break between the speaking and evaluation segments of the meeting, as opposed to 1-minute intervals after each speaker.  The concept had been in a 5-week test mode based upon a prior motion and the test period had elapsed.  The motion was seconded, discussed, and carried by a vote of members present.

Regular Club Meeting


Ellen Unger (What Cold Weather? Be Thankful It’s Not Chicago. Thanksgiving)

Word of the Day –  Grateful

Feeling thanks: having the desire or reason to thank somebody. Appreciative.

Ribbon for best use: Graeme Matthews

Table Topics

Steve Lazar (Holidays and Appreciation)


Charlie Derrick

Are there any important anniversaries that you might be missing a deadline on? (1:12)



Fushang Zhang

Complete the sentence: This Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful for... (1:42) (Best)



Kamlesh Fadia

If you had an extra ticket for the opera, who would you invite? (1:40)



Felix Unger

What are your favorite Thanksgiving memories? (1:49)




Monica Harrell

One Caring Heart (Volunteering Can Make a Difference in Your Life, Try It) (7:37) (Best)



Graeme Matthews

Atoms Are Full of Empty Space, Why Don't They Collapse? (From the Continuing Series of Entertaining Lectures in Quantum Physics) (11:35)



David Rafanowicz

First in a Series (The First Amendment and Its Relevance in Current Events) (10:55) (Overtime)



Betty Gambill

Affirmative Action Plans Are No Longer Needed in the Navy (Equal Opportunity for All, Preferential Treatment for None) (7:19)




Milo HoltInvitation to See the Norwegian Vikings at Light Parade (A Non-educational Speech on a Non-Speaking Topic)(Overtime)



Lisa Gibson -(A wonderful meeting and a great job by Toastmaster Ellen Unger



Theresa Bates  (1:43)




Jim Domenico (3:30) (Best)




Jim Akers (3:24)




Richard Welty (2:50)



Guest Comments

Feri Taba – Returning guest. Has decided to join the club. Recommended the use of name tags for all members, so guests would easily identify each members.

Joke Meister – Ulrich Leinhase

A man approaches a shepard and said, “I’ll bet you $100 to one of your sheep that I can tell you exactly how many sheep are in your entire flock.”

The shepard, knowing how extensive and widespread his flock really was, readily accepted the bet.

“742,” declared the man.

“That’s amazing,” declared the shepard, “you win. But how’d you know that?”

“I work for an organization that just knows such things,” said the man, as he picked up the shepard’s favorite animal and headed for his truck.

“Hold on now,” said the shepard, “Can we do double or nothing if I can guess your occupation and your political affiliation?”

“Sure,” declared the man, confident the shepard would not know.

“You’re a government worker and a liberal Democrat.”

“Wow, how’d you know that?” asked the man.

“Well,” said the shepard, “if you’ll just put down my dog, I’ll explain it to you.”


VP Education & Training Danny Pritchard has left two speaker slots open for volunteers at the December 21 meeting. If you’re interested in delivering a speech with a holiday theme, please contact Danny ASAP. If the slots remain unclaimed at the next meeting, they will be made available for other speeches.

We have received a note of appreciation from Toastmaster Diana Marquez-Jaille for all the good wishes and kind thoughts expressed in the card from all of us.

President Akers reminded members that there will be no meeting next week and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Attendance   23 members and 1 guests

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:20 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Happy Thanksgiving
to you and yours!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz editor
