Milestone – Event

Joke of the Day

December 20

Santa Visits Toast of Jax!

Savior Saved by the Save

December 13

International Students Visit

Coney Island Miracle

December 6

Welcome Aboard Dorothie!

The Queen’s Throne

November 22

JFK Assassination – 40th Anniversary

An Avid Golfer

November 15

New Member Induction

Practicing Law Mindlessly

November 8

Another Great Meeting

To Hell with the Lawyers

November 1

Induction coming up November 15

Blind Man to the Blond Man

October 25

Motion for JFK Commemorative Meeting

Hey Buddy, Can You Spare a Trip?

October 18

Another Great Meeting

A Bigger Perspective

October 11

Tina Fernandez Joins

Worms Anyone?

October 4

Monster Molyneux Joins

Mission Accomplished

September 27

Four Guests – A Record?

The Chattering Class

September 20

Evonya Cornelius Joins – Gail Antoine New Secretary

A Political Double-Header

September 13

Club Sweeps Area Evaluation Contest

Stand By Your Man

September 6

Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests

The Mayonnaise Jar

August 23

Another Great Meeting

Thanks for the Memory

August 16

Club Pin Design Unveiled 

Time Keeps on Ticking!

August 9

New Member Induction/Photo Shoot

Hire a Professional

August 2

Photo Sessions Slated

Frugal is as Frugal Does

July 26

Newsletter Vision Recommendations

Just My Luck!

July 19

Welcome Home Don Lemcool!

Three Wedding Rings?

July 12

Home Club Ribbon Presented

Get the Whole Story

June 28

Sudhir Thambala and Kevin Corbett Join

Now I Know My ABCs

June 21

Changing of the Guard/Toastmaster Article

Three-legged Chickens

June 14

President Akers to Serve as Area Governor

Holy Chauffer Batman

June 7

Over 40 Ribbon/Abominable Snowperson

A Holey Epiphany

May 31


Cary Me Back to Old Virginny

May 17

Myrna Gordon Joins/Club Officers Elected

Which Party for You?

May 10

Tom Dyskiewicz Joins/Nominating Committee

How Do It Know?

May 3

Ramin Mahmoodi Joins/Big Dog Battle

Ghost Stories

April 26

Sunshiner Article Published

Some Things are Useful and . . .

April 12

Area Contest Results

The Body Double Dilemma

April 5

Eugene Butler Speechcrat Awards

Cough Remedy

March 29

International & Table Topics Contests


March 22

Rizza Stang Joined

Good News/Bad News

March 15

Active Duty Military Dues Waived

A St. Patrick’s Day Tale

March 8


The Advantages of Aging

March 1


Mean Florida Gators

February 22


A Faustian Bargain, More or Less)

February 15


Political Intelligence

February 8

Hank Heinold Joins/Web Site 1st Anniversary

The Graceful Grizzly

February 1


Your Cheatin’ Heart

January 25


A Helping Hand)

January 18

Eugene Butler Speechcrat Begins/Induction

The Emperor’s New Wine

January 11

Mandy Janish & Gail Antoine Join

She Who Must be Obeyed

January  4


For the Entire Horse?

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