Current Week

June 28, 2003

Next Meeting New President

Danny Pritchard


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union


Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Vice President Education & Training (also President-Elect) Danny Pritchard welcomed guests Sudhir Thambala, Kevin Corbett and Keith Jowers at the beginning of the meeting.

Incoming Treasurer Fushan Zhang delivered a brief summary of the club’s financial position at the request of Toastmaster Ulricn Leinhase. The club is on secure financial footing going into the new administration.

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz made a motion to accept membership applications from Sudhir Thambala and Kevin Corbett. The motion was duly seconded and approved by voice vote of the members present after brief discussion. Welcome aboard Sudhir Thambala and Kevin Corbett. Their new e-mail addresses will be and

Regular Club Meeting



Jackie Pease (Independence Day Celebration)

Word of the Day

Festive – 1. relating to celebration: relating to, suitable for, or typical of a feast, festival, or holiday. 2.  cheerful: marked by cheerfulness and joy. (like a Toast of Jax meeting)


Ribbon for best use: Kamlesh Fadia

Table Topics

Grant McManus (4th of July – American symbols – a grab bag surprise)

Tom Dyszkiewicz

American Hamburger (0:49)

Myrna Gordon

American Baseball Bat (1:18)

Ramin Mhmoodi

American Apple (1:35)

John Roberts

American Baseball (1:42)

Kevin Corbett

America’s Beverage – Coca Cola (1:14) (Best)


A Team Presentation on Home Maintenance

Danny Pritchard

Team leader teed up the presentation and headed up Q & As afterward:

Gail Antoine

Home Maintenance General (Now That You Own a Home, It’s Up to You to Maintain It!) (8:02)

Ron Johnson

Home Maintenance-Safety (All the Things They Never Told You in School About Home Safety) (6:20)

Danny Pritchard

Home Maintenance-Electrical (How to Electrocute a Fellow Toastmaster – a.k.a. Now We Have Toast of Jackie!) (7:35) (Best)


Jim Domenico


Richard Welty (2:55)


Nandu Shah (2:56) (Best)


Shauib Karim (2:50)


Milo Holt – Toastmaster Protocol Developed (Milo, in the role of meeting analyzer, visited a community event recently. The event was chaired by fellow Toastmaster David Rafanowicz. Milo’s theme was the value of effectively applying Toastmaster principles in a non-Toastmaster venue.)



Guest Comments


Keith M. Jowers— was unavailable for comment due to another commitment.

Kevin Corbett – New Member - We had an excellent meeting, very professional but still a lot of fun. Definitely enjoyable.

Sudhir Thambala – New Member – Enjoyed the meeting. Also enjoyed the last week meeting. Looking forward to being a member.

Joke Meister

Yurania Causey (Now I Know My ABCs!)

A policeman stopped a Spanish-speaking fellow  here in Jacksonville on suspicion of drunk driving.

As the policeman approached, the man managed to look sober for a moment. The policeman asked him to please get out of the car, but it was evident that the man did not understand.

The policeman asked if he spoke English, but was met with just a blank smile. Pressing on, the officer asked, “you know the alphabet?” Still no look of recognition.  Frustrated, the officer blurted out, “do you know your ABCs?”

The man’s eyes opened widely, with a glint of recognition, as he exclaimed in Spanish, "Si! The ABCs; there’s one on Sunbeam Road, another on Baymeadows, one on Arlington, They’re all over the city!”



No meeting next week. Happy Independence Day!

Attendance   22 members (including 2 new members) and 1 guest

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly tentative Presidential flourish at approximately 9:05  a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania  Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
