Current Week

August 16, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Millie Tannen

Best Evaluator


Myrna Gordon

Table Topic

Roy Kenski

Word of Day

Ron Johnson


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz unveiled the design for a club lapel pin based upon the logo drawn by Toastmaster Steve Lazar last year. David commented that Club President Danny Pritchard had expressed a desire to leave behind something of long-term, enduring value as a legacy. The discussion quickly evolved to a physical object that members could treasure for years to come and could proudly display as a symbol of their Toast of Jax membership. As a result, the idea of a club pin – an affinity amulet certain to add cachet to one of the greatest Toastmaster clubs – was born. The pins will be available for purchase at $5.00 to members and $7.00 to non-members wanting to own their personal piece of the Toast of Jax legend. All proceeds will go directly to the club treasury to meet future objectives. The pins should be complete within ten days and will be available for distribution at that time. According to David, this may represent a Toastmaster’s first. He knows of no other club that has its own pin or logo. Toast of Jax may be part of history in the making.

Toastmaster Fushan Zhang recognized Toastmaster Millie Tannen, D.D. S. for authoring an article titled Dental Care for Sleep Apnea in the July 2003 edition of Jacksonville Healthsource. Way to go, Millie!

Club President Danny Pritchard announced that the City of Jax Toastmasters Club is looking for a test speaker and judges for its Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests to be held downtown at noon on Wednesday, August 27.

Regular Club Meeting



Ramin Mahmoodi (Back to school)

Word of the Day

Educate – to give knowledge to or develop the abilities of somebody by teaching


Ribbon for best use: Ron Johnson

Table Topics

Jackie Pease (School Days, School Daze)

Roy Kenski

Do you remember your best first day of school? (1:53) (Best)

Fushan Zhang

How did you get to school? (2:00)

Steve Lazar

Do you remember that time you got in trouble at school? (2:13)

Don Lemcool

Tell us about a particularly memorable or odd classmate. (2:08)

Sudhir Thambala

What was your best last day of school? (1:27)



Millie Tannen

Relaxation Dentistry (Now Just, Relax, This Won’t Hurt at All?) (10:39) (Best)

David Rafanowicz

The Ubiquitous Federal Government (The Ninth and Tenth Amendments) (10:23)

Kevin Corbett

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! (Keep Your Eye on the Doughnut and Not on the Hole)(8:33)

Milo Holt

Speech Can Change Your Life (Here’s a Book Worth Reading that I’ve Been Meaning to Read for the Last Thirty Years)(6:01)


Roy Kenski


Ron Johnson (3:00)


Danny Pritchard (2:54)


Ulrich Leinhase (3:21)


Myrna Gordon (2:38) (Best)


Converted to regualr speaker. See speech of Milo Holt above.



Guest Comments

No guests present – bring along a friend.

Joke Meister

Grant McManus  (Time Keeps on Ticking!)

Ironically, both Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush died on the same day.

Upon arriving at the Pearly Gates, they were assigned a tour guide. Their first tour stop was a building with clock-like objects on the wall. The tour guide told them that the purpose of the clocks was to measure lies told by U.S. presidents. He pointed to the George Washington clock, which had moved to the minute mark to indicate that he had told one lie. Both First Ladies looked around for their husband's clocks but couldn’t find them. The tour guide advised that God had moved them to his personal office.

"Well, what a great honor," said the two ladies almost in unison.

"Not exactly," said the tour guide, "He's using the clocks as fans."



Toastmaster Ulrich Leinhase thanked President Danny Pritchard for appearing on his Real Estate program. The television show will air Monday at 10:30 p.m. on Comcast channel 29. Be sure to watch. Danny commented that you may see a deer in the headlights as this was a new communications experience for him.

Attendance   18 members and no guests.

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:23 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article. (For anyone concerned about authoring a publishable article, please submit a draft with main thoughts and ideas for consideration. It will be edited and returned for review before publication.)

Grant McManus, reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
