Current Week

July 12, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Millie Tannen

Best Evaluator

Grant McManus

Table Topic

Ramin Mahmoodi

Word of Day

Steve Lazar


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union


Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Area Governor Jim Akers presented President Danny Pritchard with a Home Club Ribbon to recognize that Toast of Jax Toastmasters is the home club of our Area Governor this year.

New Club President Danny Pritchard presented an overview of his experience with Toast of Jax Toastmasters, from the first time he attended as a nervous guest to his first meeting as Club President . Danny also called for an officers meeting to be held directly after the regular meeting.

Regular Club Meeting



Fushan Zhang (Holiday Festivities & Good Food)

Word of the Day

Glut - Fill to repletion; excessive eat and drink


Ribbon for best use: Steve Lazar

Table Topics

Milo Holt (Crime is on the Rise and Out of Control)

Richard Welty

What would like to see done about youth gangs and resulting crime? (1:38)

Ulrich Leinhase

What would you do to address serial killers (not cereal killers) and acquaintance crime? (2:10)

Jim Akers

Are there high crimes areas in our city? If so, what should be done about them? (1:35)

Danny Pritchard

Insurance companies pay out one-in-every-four dollars to fraudulent claims. What should be done about it? (1:30)

Ramin Mahmoodi

Are judges and juries too tolerant? Do you believe our judicial system is fair? (2:00) (Best)



Mel Epley

Threshing Ring (A Huge Harvesting Machine from the Eyes of a 5-year-old Future Farmer) (7:45)

Ron Johnson

Communication is the Key to Success (Understanding Involves Both  What is Said and What is Heard) (7:00)

Millie Tannen

Wolves of the Sea! (The Wonders of Sea Mammals) (7:25) (Best)

David Rafanowicz

Raising the Bar (We Know Where We’ve Been and Where We Are, Now Where Do We Go From Here? All Success is Incremental) (8:00)


Yurania Causey (Another Great Meeting)


Grant McManus (3:23) (Best)


Kamlesh Fadia (3:18)


Nandu Shah (3:15)


Steve Lazar (3:19)


Dale Howard – Organize Your Speech



Guest Comments


No guest comments, but see announcements below.

Joke Meister

Ulrich Leinhase (Get the Whole Story)

Two Iowa farmers were talking and one mentioned that his mule was very lethargic and appeared to be at death’s door.

The other farmer said, “You know, when that happened to me, someone suggested that I have the old mule drink a gallon of turpentine.”

“Thanks. I’ve gotta run. I have an appointment at the bank,” said the other farmer as he quickly left.

The following day, the two farmers ran into each other at the general store.

“Hey,” said the one farmer, I gave my mule that gallon of turpentine and it didn’t work. He died within an hour.”

“Yep! Same thing happened to mine,” responded the other farmer, “you shoulda let me finish the story.”



Toastmaster David Rafanowicz discussed an e-mail received from Toastmaster Bub Cranney of Tweed Valley Toastmasters concerning our recent article on web sites in The Toastmaster magazine. Tweed Valley Toastmasters holds two-and-one-half hour meetings, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on the east coast of Australia, twice each month. Its scheduled roles include a “Listening Critic” who listens attentively throughout the meeting and asks members questions at meeting’s end to assure that they listened well. Failure to answer correctly – or to at least craft a plausible response on the fly – results in a 20-cent fine (about $0.13 USD). The club breaks for a 15-minute Morning Tea at 11:00 a.m. As to their Toastmastering, Bub says that they also have fun doing it. You can visit their web site <here> and if you’re ever in Australia, we have an open invitation to attend their meetings.

Toastmaster Ramim Mahmoodi’s 5-year-old son delivered a surprisingly cogent tale in a form of a speech about an industrious ant and a not-so-industrious grasshopper. Millie Tannen, our Best Speaker of the day, then presented her ribbon to him for the amazing accomplishment.

VP Public Relations Grant McManus proudly announced that his daughter Katherine’s first article appeared in this morning’s Florida Times Union. She’s only eleven years old and already a published author. The 1,050 word article, along with several pictures by Katherine’s photographer dad, can be found on the internet <here>.

Attendance   22 members and one-half guest (5-year-old)

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:20 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
