Current Week

June 7, 2003


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media


Florida Times Union



Business Meeting

Jim Akers presiding

President Jim Akers introduced guest Tazwa Brown, who found Toast of Jax Toastmasters on the internet.

Sergeant of Arms Richard Welty made a motion to acquire five copies of the Communications & Leadership manual. The purchase will allow new members to start reading and preparing for their CTM goals immediately, while awaiting their manuals from Toastmasters International. The motion was duly seconded and enthusiastically passed by voice vote.

Club President Akers presented Vice President Membership Millie Tannen with an “Over 40” ribbon. The ribbon was awarded by Toastmasters International in recognition of sustaining Club membership over 40 members throughout the year. Toastmaster Jackie Pease will add the ribbon to the Club’s highly-decorated banner.

Regular Club Meeting



David Rafanowicz

Toastmaster Rafanowicz warmed up the audience with a recap of the current administration’s accomplishments for the year, emphasizing how Toast of Jax achieves goals through excellent teamwork. In the past year, the Club: completed a Speechcraft educational program at Eugene Butler Middle school, had an article published in the District 47 Sunshiner (a Club first), implemented a new four-speaker program format, worked with the hotel on a new room arrangement to accommodate additional seating, unveiled a new club logo, acquired an easel and a new club banner, added a five-minute mid-meeting break, created a handy new assignments report, redefined the Club Host’s role, moved from Area 22 to Area 37 and had 12 new members join (so far). What a great year for the current slate of officers.

Word of the Day

Flabbergasted – astonished utterly; overcome with amazement; confounded


Ribbon for best use: Steve Lazar

Table Topics

Fushan Zhang (Why is this location the best for a G-8 World Summit?)

Shauib Karim

Florida Everglades National Park (1:26)

Jackie Pease

Camp David, Maryland (1:21)

Ramin Mahmoodi

 Amelia Island (1:08)

Jim Domenico

Bush’s Ranch in Texas (1:25) (Best)

Myrna Gordon

The University (1:25)



Kamlesh Fadia

Abominable Snowperson Open Habitat Exhibition & Conference Center (A Technical Team Presentation by KYNS) (8:41)

Steve Lazar

Project Architect for KYNS(11:05)

Nahdu Shah

Structural Engineer for KYNS (10:13) (Best)

Yurania Causey

Project Manager for KYNS (10:43)


Grant McManus


Ron Johnson (2:47)


Richard Welty (2:44) (Best)


Danny Pritchard (2:24)


Millie Tannen (2:17)


Cancelled due to time constraints. Thanks to Felix Unger for being prepared to deliver a speech on Speaking to Persuade.



Guest Comments


Tazwa Brown- Looking forward to coming back again.

Joke Meister

Jim Akers (A Holey Epiphany)

Three explorers were tramping through the jungles along the Amazon and were confronted by a tribe of headhunters. "You have violated our sacred grounds!" said the chief. "For this you must die! But we are a sporting tribe and will give you the opportunity to escape and give you one thing to help you. You may choose your escape aid. I must tell you though, if you are captured, you will be brought back to our village, skinned alive and your hide tanned and turned into a canoe."

The first explorer was asked what he wanted to use. He chose a gun. The chief handed him a gun and he disappeared into the jungle. The headhunters chased him and when he ran out of bullets, PFFT, they shot him with their blow guns, dragged him back to the village, skinned him and turned him into a canoe.

Then, it was the second explorer's turn. He chose a horse. He jumped on the horse and sped away. He rode at a gallop until the horse dropped dead. As soon as he got off the horse, PFFT with the blow guns. They dragged him back to the village, skinned him out and turned him into a canoe.

Then it was the last explorer's turn. He requested a fork. A little surprised, the chief handed him a fork. Instead of running, the third explorer repeatedly stabbed himself with the fork and exclaimed, "You can kill me, but here's your canoe!"



Congratulation to Kamlesh Fadia on achieving his ATM-Bronze level and congratulations to Yurania Causey on accomplishing her CTM.

Attendance   24 members and 1 guest (plus one child)

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:29 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey& Richard Welty reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
