Current Week

December 20, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Steve Lazar

Best Evaluator

David Rafanowicz

Table Topics

Ulrich Leinhase

Word of Day

Steve Lazar



Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Santa Visits Toast of Jax!

Toastmaster Jim Domenico assembled a panel of experts to prove the existence of Santa Claus. Even Santa himself came to hear the evidence. Pictured here are the speakers, with ;living proof of their thesis.  From left to right, Professor of Santacology Steve Lazar, Toastmaster Richard Welty, Santa Claus (a.k.a. Jim Akers or St. Nicholas), Toastmaster Myrna Gordon and new ATM-Bronze recipient Jim Domenico.

Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

President Danny Pritchard welcomed guest Tuiren Bratina. Tuiren, a member of the Beaches Area Toastmasters Club, is familiar with several Toast of Jax members through her involvement with the Eugene Butler Speechcraft program sponsored by the club earlier this year.

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz made a motion to accept the membership application of Bill Capps. The motion was duly seconded and approved by voice vote. Welcome aboard Bill! Bill can be reached at his new e-mail address:


Bill Capps

Welcome Aboard Bill Capps!

Bill has been a Jacksonville resident for 25 years and makes his home northwest of the airport. He is an Amsoil distributor (synthetic oil and lubricants) and learned of Toastmasters from a friend who delivered an impressive presentation. 

Bill has been involved in the automotive industry all his life. He has built, maintained and driven race cars, including stock cars and motocross.

Bill says his goal is “learning to effectively speak in front of groups and individuals.” He adds, “I think Toastmasters can help me learn what to say and how to say it.” Welcome aboard Bill!

Regular Club Meeting



Santa Claus (a.k.a. Jim Akers)

Theme: There really is a Santa Claus

Word of the Day

somnolence (n) based on the adjective somnolent:

1.  sleepy: feeling sleepy or tending to fall asleep; 2.  lacking activity: quiet and with little or no activity; 3. sleep-inducing: making somebody feel sleepy 


Ribbon for best use: Steve Lazar

Table Topics

Monster Molyneux (The Santa Claus legend)

Tina Fernandez

What's an appropriate snack for Santa? (1:03)

Davis Loop

What should Santa leave for bad children? (1:05)

Ulrich Leinhase

What are your earliest memories of Santa? (1:50) (Best)

David Rafanowicz

How does Santa get it all done in time? (1:59)

Bill Capps

Is Santa a jolly elf or a scary guy? (1:58)



Jim Domenico

The Proof of Santa's Existence - A Panel of Experts (There Really is a Santa Claus)

Myrna Gordon

Who is Santa Claus? (5:18)

Richard Welty

How Does Santa Do What He Does? 0 (6:27)

Steve Lazar

The Professor of Santacology (9:30) (Best)


Grant McManus (Interesting meeting)


Milo Holt (3:30)


Tom Dyszkiewicz (2:45)


Danny Pritchard (2:50)


David Rafanowicz (2:15) (Best)


Ulrich LeinhaseUsing Body Language to Maximum Advantage



Guest Comments


Tuiren Bratina – Member of Beaches Area Club – Thanks for having me. Great meeting.

Joke Meister

Davis Loop (Savior Saved by the Save)

Jesus and Satan were involved in a huge debate concerning which had more computer savvy. Each claimed that he was the ultimate techie-guru and neither would cede any ground. Finally God intervened.

“I will give you a test,” intoned the heavenly father, “It will be a race against the clock and the individual done first will win.”

And so the test began.

After about thirty minutes of furious typing, the power went out suddenly, but three minutes later came back on just as suddenly.

The devil quickly re-booted his computer and howled, “This is terrible. I’ve lost all my work.”  He began anew on the test. 

Jesus, on the other hand, powered up, retrieved his files and completed the assignment in about five more minutes. He advised God that he was done and God proclaimed him the winner.

“Foul,” cried the devil, “He cheated. This is not fair. How can he be done so quickly?”

“Well,” replied God, “Everyone knows that Jesus saves.”



Congratulations to Toastmaster Jim Domenico on achieving ATM-Bronze status. With today's panel presentation, Jim has now completed ten speeches from the advanced manuals.

There will be no meeting next week.

We will meet next on January 3.

Happy Holidays to All!

Attendance   17 members (including Santa) and 1 guests

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:07 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article. (For anyone concerned about authoring a publishable article, please submit a draft with main thoughts and ideas for consideration. It will be edited and returned for review before publication.)

David J. Rafanowicz reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor

Editor’s note: The December 13, 2003 edition of Member’s News and Notes incorrectly listed Toastmaster Monster Molyneux as Topics Master instead of Toastmaster Millie Tannen. The archived copy has been amended to correct the error. 
