Current Week

August 2, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Colin Murphy

Best Evaluator

Fushan Zhang

Table Topic

Sudhir Thambala

Word of Day

Tom Dyszkiewicz


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Club President Danny Pritchard kicked off the meeting by welcoming back Toastmaster Beverly Farnell. Beverly will also be serving as Assistant Area Governor of Marketing, according to a subsequent announcement by Area Governor Jim Akers.

Vice President Public Relations Grant McManus announced that launch of the photography sessions was delayed one week due to a malfunctioning stroboscopic flash. Please be prepared for photographs next week.

Danny Pritchard reminded members that the Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests will be held September 6 and passed around a contest sign-up sheet for those wanting to join the fray. Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Welty will serve as Contest Master. A Test Speaker is needed for the Evaluation Contest. Both Southside Toastmasters and the the City of Jax Club have requested judges. Please contact Danny to volunteer.

A call for workshop presenters has been issued for the Fall Conference to be held in Melborne, Florida October 25, according to Club President Danny Pritchard. Please let Danny know ASAP if you're interested in putting on a workshop at the conference.

Toastmaster Kevin Corbett has volunteered his camcorder to record members interested in capturing a speech on tape. Seeing yourself can provide a useful tool for further improvement. Please let Kevin know in advance if you’d like to see it as others see it.

A new-member induction ceremony will be held next week.

Regular Club Meeting



Jim Akers

Word of the Day

matriculation – admission to a group (most especially to a college or university)


Ribbon for best use: Tom Dyszkiewicz

Table Topics

Beverly Farnell (Very Weighty Questions)

Roy Kenski

What do you think about a possible connection between fast food and weight? (1:20)

Danny Pritchard

What about portion sizes in restaurants and weight? (1:29)

Sudhir Thambala

Is there a connection between technology and weight? (1:08) (Best)

Jackie Pease

Do television commercials have an effect on weight? (1:11)


Hey, wait a minute already on this weight thing!



Tom Dyszkiewicz

Finding Fun in Games (Hey There Sports Fan!)(5:22)

Kevin Corbett

Icebreaker - Enjoying the Journey (The Joys of Life – Telling it Like it is) (8:30)

Colin Murphy

Where Have I Been (You Simply Won’t Believe What I’ve Been Up to in the Last Ten Months – Sowing the Seeds of Love) (6:48) (Best)


Richard Welty (It’s a LECTERN, a LECTERN!)


Milo Holt (3:30)


Fushan Zhang (3:20) (Best)


Jackie Pease (2:35)


Ulrich LeinhaseSlow Down, You Speak too Fast (Speaking slowly can increase your impact. Try it for effect and see how it works for you.)



Guest Comments

No guests today.  Bring along a friend soon.

Joke Meister

David Rafanowicz (Frugal is as Frugal Does!)

There was once a very frugal couple and, unfortunately, the very frugal husband died one day. The very frugal wife went down to the newspaper to see about placing an obituary notice. The publisher advised the woman that obituaries were 50 cents per word.

“Oh my,” she said and reflected on it for a moment. “Well then, let’s just go with something short. How about ‘Fred Smith died?’”

Obviously frustrated, the publisher told her, “I’m sorry ma’am, but we have an eight word minimum. Nothing less will do.”

She thought about it for a minute and began counting on her fingers. “Ok, Ok,” she said, “I’ve got it. Let’s go with ‘Fred Smith died. Used pickup truck for sale.”



Immediate Past President and current Area Governor Jim Akers has been selected to serve as  a host on the Jerry Lewis Telethon. He will be headed west for an orientation session; another fine Toastmasters success story.

Don't forget that next week will be the first photography session and a new member induction. Be there.

Toastmaster Hank Heinold is on sabbatical and his assigned slots will be adjusted on the published schedules.

Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Welty will be on vacation for three weeks. Please come early to help fill the expected gap in room set-up and preparation.

Attendance   19 members and no guests

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 8:58 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article.

Richard Welty reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
