Current Week

August 9, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Ramin Mahmoodi

Best Evaluator

David Rafanowicz

Table Topic

Millie Tannen

Word of Day

Kamlesh Fadia



Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




New Member Induction Ceremony

Members Kevin Corbett, Sudhir Thambala. Tom Dyszkiewicz and Myrna Gordon were formally inducted into the club in a ceremony that included President Danny Pritchard pinning each member with a Toastmasters lapel pin.  (photo by Grant McManus )

Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

President Danny Pritchard welcomed back Toastmaster Davis Loop after a long hiatus to study law in Mexico as part of his legal program at the Florida Coastal School of Law.

Danny reminded members that the club’s Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests will be held September 6th. He requested a volunteer to deliver the Evaluation Test Speech and also announced that the City of Jacksonville club has requested judges for its contests at noon, Wednesday, August 27. The Southside Toastmasters club has also requested judges for their contests at 6:45 p.m., Tuesday, September 9th.

Area Governor and Immediate Past President Jim Akers presented the club with a President's Distinguished Club ribbon earned for reaching all ten goals during his term as Club President. Jim thanked all the officers and club members who made it possible

President Danny Pritchard conducted an induction ceremony for new members. Kevin Corbett , Sudhir Thambala. Tom Dyszkiewicz and Myrna Gordon participated in person. Hank Heinold and Rizza Stang were inducted in absentia. Vice President Education & Training Ron Johnson assigned mentors to the new members present. Toastmasters Roy Kenski, Kamlesh Fadia, Ulrich Leinhase and Jim Akers, respectively will serve in the mentor role.

Regular Club Meeting



Gail Antoine (Wedding Customs & Traditions)

Word of the Day

repartee - 1. witty talk: conversation consisting of witty remarks ; 2. wit: skill in making witty remarks or conversation; 3. witty remark: a witty remark or reply


Ribbon for best use: Kamlesh Fadia

Table Topics

Roy Kenski (Marriages – Some Work, Some Don't Stand a Chance)

Tom Dyszkiewicz

The marriage of Jack Del Rio to the Jaguars, will it work or is counseling in the cards? (1:37)

Myrna Gordon

Kobe Bryant - What's the present outlook for his marriage given recent criminal charges? (2:09)

Grant McManus

Same sex marriages are in the news. Are they in our future? (1:52)

Danny Pritchard

The Jacksonville courthouse project is $75 million over budget. Time for a divorce or a lower budget? (1:30)

Millie Tannen

Californians may soon divorce their governor. Will they reconcile or marry Arnold? (1:56) (Best)



Shauib Karim

Why and How to Upgrade Your Desktop PC (Technically Speaking, I’m Speaking Technically) (10:30)

Ron Johnson

Setting Goals and Achieving Them (How DO We Know We’re Succeeding if We Don’t Have Goals?) (10:28)

Ramin Mahmoodi

What Have You Done, Sister? (A Dramatic Story Direct from Tehran) (8:55) (Best)


Ulrich Leinhase


David Rafanowicz (3:24) (Best)


Yurania Causey (2:20)


Mel Epley (2:02)


Kamlesh FadiaAdding Humor to Your Presentation (Lighten Up and Have Some Fun Keeping Your Audience Interested)



Guest Comments


Evonya Cornelius- Thoroughly enjoyed the meeting; look forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Joke Meister

Ulrich Leinhase

A mother was at work one day when she received a call that her baby was ill. She left immediately and stopped at a drugstore on the way home to buy medicine. When she left the drugstore, she realized that she had locked her keys in the car.

She prayed to god, "please god, help me. I just spent all my money on medicine and I can't afford another problem." Suddenly, as if through divine insight, she thought to call home and speak to her babysitter. The sitter suggested that she look for a coat hanger and jimmy the lock. As luck would have it, she found a coat hanger in the parking lot that looked like it had been used by someone else for the very same purpose.

She tried and tried to open the lock with the hanger, but had no success. Finally, she called out to god, "I thought you were looking out for me. I can’t do this. Please send help."

Immediately, another car began pulling into the parking lot and she thought her prince had arrived.  As the car approached, she noticed that it was very old and rusty and that the driver had a long, disheveled beard.

“You look terrible; Is something wrong?” asked the woman.

“Well, ma’am, I just got out of prison for auto theft,” responded the man.

"Oh, thank you god for sending a professional!" exclaimed the woman.



Many thanks to Vice President Public Relations Grant McManus for his efforts in setting up a portable photography operation and taking member pictures this morning. Grant will set up again next week to capture additional member photographs. Please have your picture taken ASAP and submit an authorization form to have your likeness appear on the web site.

Smile for the Camera!

VP PR McManus photographs Toastmaster Ulrich Leinhase


Club Treasurer Fushan Zhang announced that semi-annual membership dues are coming due. Let’s try to have all dues in by the September 20 meeting to allow time to get them in to Toastmasters International on time.

Attendance   22 members and 1 guest

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:13 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article.

Yurania Causey reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
