Current Week

October 18, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Grant McManus

Best Evaluator

David Rafanowicz

Table Topics

Kevin Corbett

Word of Day

Mel Epley



Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

President Danny Pritchard opened the meeting and called for old business, new business and committee reports. There being none – an unusual event – Danny moved directly into the program by introducing Toastmaster Steve Lazar.

Regular Club Meeting



Steve Lazar (Events in Maclenny)

Word of the Day

dishevel (vt) or disheveled (adj)

1. muss clothes or hair: to disarrange somebody’s clothes or hair.

2. mess something up: to disarrange something, making it messy


Ribbon for best use: Mel Epley

Table Topics

Jim Domenico (If I were in control. . .)

Ulrich Leinhase

As Mayor –How would you make Jacksonville a better place? (1:44)

Richard Welty

As Govenor –What is the best use of unclaimed lottery money? (1:20)

Kevin Corbett

As Secretary of Defense –What would you do to improve the morale of the troops? (1:27) (Best)

Milo Holt

As President of the United States – What will you leave as your legacy? (2:15)

Danny Pritchard

As King of the House –What will you change with your remote control? (1:30)



Betty Gambill

Celebrating All Of Who We Are (The United States and the United People) (6:45)

Mel Epley

Piano at the Bottom of the Lake (The Babe and the Piano – Babe Ruth That Is) (6:59)

Grant McManus

Dance of the Spiderman (Acute Arachnophobic Anxiety) (6:55) (Best)


Millie Tannen


Gail Antoine (2:30)


David Rafanowicz (2:45) (Best)


Fushan Zhang (3:10)


Jackie PeaseConveying Ideas Instead of Simply Words



Guest Comments

No guests

Joke Meister

Grant McManus (A Bigger Vision)

A boy and his father were asleep in the woods on a camping trip. The boy awoke his father in the middle of the night and said, “Dad, look up and tell me what you see.”

The father, wondering why the boy would roust him from a sound sleep, said, “Son, I see a clear sky with stars and planets. I see the Big Dipper and I see an awesome vision of the universe before our very eyes.”

Noticing that he son looked perplexed, the father asked, “And what do you see my son.”

“Dad,” the boy replied, “I see that there is no canvas above us. I think someone stole our tent.”



Toastmaster David Rafanowicz commented that he thought of the club as he stood at the World Trade Center site in New York on Thursday. He said that when a group of about 35 young people began singing a beautiful choral arrangement, he thought to himself, “isn’t it amazing what a group of people can accomplish by working together for a common cause.” Suddenly, the Toast of Jax club came to his mind.

Attendance   19 members and no guests.

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:11 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article. (For anyone concerned about authoring a publishable article, please submit a draft with main thoughts and ideas for consideration. It will be edited and returned for review before publication.)

Gail Antoine reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
