Current Week

July 19, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Grant McManus

Best Evaluator

David Rafanowicz

Table Topic

Kevin Corbett

Word of Day

Roy Kenski

U.S. Navy

Accomplishment Medal

Operation Iraqi Freedom


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Welcome Home Sailor!

President Danny Pritchard (l), Toastmaster David Rafanowicz. Toastmaster Don Lemcool and Area 37 Governor Jim Akers pose for the camera to welcome Don home after several months aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt serving our country in Operation Iraqi Freedom. (photo  by Grant McManus)

Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

President Danny Pritchard formally welcomed back Toastmaster Don Lemcool, who had been aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt for the past several months while serving our nation during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Members recognized Lemcool with a thunderous standing ovation.

Toastmaster Lemcool expressed his appreciation to all who had e-mailed him during his tour of duty and for the club’s support. He then presented his U.S. Navy accomplishment medal (see picture at left) to Toastmaster David Rafanowicz. Lemcool cited Rafanowicz as the Toast of Jax “Communications Ambassador” for keeping him up to date on club activities during his time at sea.  Rafanowicz, obviously moved by the gesture, was uncharacteristically speechless.

Under the topic of new business, Toastmaster Rafanowicz requested that President Pritchard appoint two committees. The first, which Toastmaster Gail Antoine volunteered to chair, will review and update the member’s manual. It was recommended that the committee include two additional members, one to assist in editing and another to provide historical context. The second committee, to be chaired by Rafanowicz, is to make recommendations concerning routine publication of a more visually oriented newsletter. Committee members will include Richard Welty, Grant McManus and Steve Lazar. President Pritchard appointed the committees. Additionally, he appointed Toastmaster Ulrich Leinhase to chair an Audit Committee to make a routine annual audit of the club’s financial records. 

Closing the business segment, Pritchard announced that Club Officer Training is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, July 24, at the Bank of America office park on Southside Boulevard. All officers are requested to attend. Details available <<here>>

Regular Club Meeting



Gail Antoine – Our generations are lucky to have survived without all those intrusive government regulations bureaucrats have implemented to save us from ourselves?

Word of the Day

escapade - brash adventure: something exciting or adventurous that somebody does or is involved in, especially something showing recklessness or disregard for authority


Ribbon for best use: Roy Kenski

Table Topics

Mel Epley (Old TV Shows and Odd News)

Don Lemcool

Tell us about the chickens running amuck in downtown Jacksonville (2:10)

Ramin Mahmoodi

The All-Star Baseball game – What was different this year? (1:30)

Milo Holt

Who was Arnold Ziffel in a 1960s TV series about a New York City lawyer/farmer? (1:41)


What was special about 1950s TV co-host J. Fred Muggs? (0:45)

Kevin Corbett

Who were Howdy Doody, Buffalo Bob and Clarabelle the Clown? (1:17) (Best)



Roy Kenski

From the Ruins of the Tower of Babel (Highlights of My Scandinavian Vacation – Talking the Talk) (9:09)

Chris Spears

Cloggd Pipes: Can We Fix Them? (Medical Advances in Unblocking Clogged Arteries) (8:00)

Fushan Zhang

Innovations in Food Preservation (Nuking Bacteria in Microseconds Without Destroying Food Flavor) (11:00)

Grant McManus

The Old Man - Crumbled But Not Forgotten (The Erosion of Nature’s Miracle in the Mountain) (7:30) (Best)


Kamlesh Fadia (A great escapade today)


Ulrich Leinhase (3:13)


Danny Pritchard (2:33)


David Rafanowicz (3:02) (Best)


Yurania Causey (2:43)





Guest Comments

No guests present


Joke Meister

Shauib Karim  (Three Wedding Rings?)


Marriage is really an institution that involves three separate rings:

First there’s the engagement ring;

then there’s the wedding ring;

finally, there’s the suffering.

Warning: DO NOT try this joke at home. Serious adverse consequences may result. Please consult a professional before engaging in marriage-based humor.



Toastmaster David Rafanowicz invited Evalumaster Kamlesh Fadia to meet him at the lectern and congratulated him on being the “Most improved Toastmaster of the Century.”  David commented that he draws inspiration from watching members like Kamlesh join the club and progess from a stammering start to the level of poise and confidence demonstrated by Kamles in his role as Evalumaster today.

President Danny Pritchard recognized Gail Antoine for an exceptional job serving in the role of Toastmaster for the first time today.

Attendance   21 members and  no guests

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:17 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
