Current Week

July 26, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Sudhir Thambala

Best Evaluator

Ron Johnson

Table Topic

Colin Murphy

Word of Day

Felix Unger


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Club President Danny Pritchard welcomed back Toastmaster Colin Murphy after a long hiatus to pursue educational interests.

Danny also reviewed the Officer Training program held Thursday evening and thanked club officers for attending. At the training, he discovered that some clubs had more elaborate recognition ceremonies when a member reaches CTM or a higher level and thought that would be a good practice to implement at Toast of Jax.

Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests have been scheduled for the September 6 meeting, according to Pritchard. Area contests are scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Friday, September 12 at the Southside Library.

Newsletter Vision Committee Chairman David Rafanowicz presented the committee’s recommendations (available in full detail <here>). A motion to accept the recommendations was made, seconded and carried by voice vote. The recommendations include photographing each member and publishing pictures in the weekly newsletter for ribbon winners, new members and special events. The newsletter will also be expanded to include a “Member Accomplishments” column to allow members to submit a written article for publication. (see below). 

In line with the recommendations, Vice President Public Relations Grant McManus will set up a portable photography studio at each meeting in August. Members are encouraged to attend to be photographed as early in the month as possible.

Vice President Public Relations Grant McManus suggested that it would be appropriate to commenorate the club charter’s 30th anniversary (issued June 20, 1973) by holding a special evening event for members and their families. He believed it would be a great opportunity for family members to discover what Toast of Jax is all about and to also have fun doing it. President Pritchard appointed McManus to chair a committee to review the idea and make recommendations.

President Danny Pritchard presented a Distinguished Club Status Report and recognized Immediate Past President Jim Akers for achieving all ten goals to reach President’s Distinguished level for the club. He asked Club Secretary Yurania Causey to place the report in club minutes.

Regular Club Meeting



Chris Spears (Tour de France)


Word of the Day

extemporaneous - unrehearsed: performed without any preparation



Ribbon for best use: Felix Unger


Table Topics

David Rafanowicz (Strictly by the Numbers)


Colin Murphy

The National Debt is at $6.7 trillion. Should I be concerned? (1:59) (Best)


Ulrich Leinhase

Annual Births vs. Deaths. How do I make sense of these numbers? (2:17)


Kamlesh Fadia

Legal Immigration is much high that it was in the 1960’s. Does that matter? (2:09)


Fushan Zhang

The 2003 Florida budget is $53.5 billion and the California deficit is $38 billion, who’s better off? 1:22)


Jackie Pease

If zero is as low as it gets, but non-taxpayers can get refunds, will you please pay me back that money I didn’t lend you? (2:01)





Shauib Karim

What is a Muslim? (Dispelling Some Misconceptions About My Religion) (7:88)


Gail Antoine

The Richest Man in Babylon (Practical Advice on Building Wealth) (7:28)


Felix Unger

Skiing is Fun - Really (How to Win Over a Potential Spouse on the Bunny Trail) (10:00)


Sudhir Thambala

Icebreaker - Tomorrow Never Comes (How Creative Laziness Can Lead to Innovative Time-saving Ideas) (5:27) (Best)



Jim Akers (Great meeting and a good job done)



Mel Epley (1:44)



Millie Tannen (2::09)



Yurania Causey (1:44)



Ron Johnson (2:14) (Best)



Richard Welty – A Helpful Hint for Speaking and Everyday Life (Keep notes on your creative thoughts at they occur)





Guest Comments

No guests today – bring along a friend soon.


Joke Meister

Gail Antoine – Just My Luck



A five-year-old boy felt ill one Sunday morning and was unable to attend regular church services with his family. When the family returned home, they were carrying palm fronds.

“What are those?” he inquired.

“Today is Palm Sunday and these are palm fronds,” replied his mother.

“What are they for?” asked the inquisitive boy.

“Well,” answered his mother,“ when Jesus walked down the path, people would lay these in front of him.”

“Wouldn’t you know if,” said the boy, “the one week I don’t go and he shows up.”




President Danny Pritchard announced that Southside Toastmaster club has asked for volunteers to judge their Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests.

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz passed along greetings to the club from Toastmaster John Roberts, who is in Cincinnati, Ohio on a three-week educational stint for the Internal Revenue Service, and Toastmaster Dave Jackson, who is doing well and participating in a Toastmaster club at Williamsburg, Virginia. Jackson said that he misses all his friends at Toast of Jax Toastmasters.

Toastmaster Gail Antoine announced that she will be receiving her masters degree in a ceremony at the Times Union Center at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. Members are invited to attend.

Remember that member picture-taking will begin next Saturday and continue through August. Be ready next week and have your picture taken early so that we can complete this project ASAP.

Attendance   20 members and no  guests

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:21  a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article.

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
