Current Week

June 14, 2003


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media


Florida Times Union



Business Meeting

Jim Akers presiding

President Jim Akers announced that the installation ceremony for new club officers will take place next week due to a conflict in his schedule the following week.

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz congratulated Jim Akers on being named Area 37 Governor for the coming year. He also clarified that Jim’s schedule conflict results from Area Governor training to be held in Orlando June 28. Jim will be attending the training session.

Regular Club Meeting



Yurania Causey (Father’s Day)

Word of the Day

JanissaryTurkish soldier; loyal follower or supporter


Ribbon for best use: Tom Dyszkiewicz

Table Topics

Shauib Karim (Please comment on the following  thing that has been named a “Global Threat” accoridng to a recent study:)

Gail Antoine

Our Sense of Community Will Decline (2:06)

Kamlesh Fadia

Drug Related Crime Will Increase (2:10)

Jim Akers

Deforestation is Increasing (1:51)

Milo Holt

Genetic Engineering is Bad (2:16)

Grant McManus

Information Technology is Intrusive (2:13) (Best)



Ramin Mahmoodi

What in the World is a Database? (Explaining a Technical Topic to a Non-Technical Audience) (12:15)

Myrna Gordon

Transcend (An Exhilarating Icebreaker) (5:06) (Best)

Richard Welty

Presenting the Conservative Employee of the Year Award (Here’s to Our Top Performer in a Category with Only One Qualifying Candidate) (3:12)

Tom Dyszkiewicz

Tom's World (Now That I Have the Ahs Out of the Way, Let Me Tell You What I’m Not Going to Tell You!) (5:41)


Millie Tannen (Terrific meeting)


David Rafanowicz (3:24)


Ulrich Leinhase (2:29) (Best)


Jackie Pease (2:20)


Betty Gambill (2:43)


Nandu ShahAccept the Challenge (You can become an ATM or a DTM by simply following the program.)



Guest Comments

No guests today

Joke Meister

Danny Pritchard  (Holy Chauffeur Batman)

The Pope had just finished a tour of the Napa Valley and was taking a limo to San Francisco. Having never driven a limo, he asked the chauffeur if he could drive for awhile. Since the chauffeur really didn’t have much of a choice, he climbed in the back of the limo and the Pope took the wheel.

The Pope started to drive and began to accelerate to see what the limo could do. He got to about 90 mph, when suddenly he saw the red and blue lights of a state trooper in his mirror. He pulled over and the trooper came to his window.

The trooper, seeing who it is, said, “Just a minute please, I need to call in.”

“The trooper radioed in and asked for the chief. He told the chief that he had a REALLY important person pulled over and asked how he should handle it.

“It”s not Ted Kennedy again, is it?” asked the chief.

“No sir!” replied the trooper, “This one is more important. “

“Is it the governor?” asked the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replied the trooper.

“Is it the President?” asked the chief.

“No! Even more important!” replied the trooper.

“Well who the heck is it then?” asked the chief.

“I don”t know sir,” replied the trooper, “but he has the Pope as his chauffeur. “



Toastmaster Milo Holt reminded the group that today is Flag Day.

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz suggested that since next week will be Jim Akers last week as Presiding Officer that members bring along their favorite Akers story, just in case we have a spontaneous Celebrity Roast.

Attendance  22 members and no guests

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:13 a. m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
