Current Week

May 10, 2003


May 03, 2003

Apr 26, 2003

Apr 12, 2003

Apr 05, 2003

Mar 29, 2003

Mar 22, 2003

Mar 15, 2003

Mar 08, 2003

Mar 01, 2003

Feb 22, 2003

Feb 15, 2003

Feb 08, 2003

Feb 01, 2003

Jan 25, 2003

Jan 18, 2003

Jan 11, 2003

Jan 04, 2003

Dec 21, 2002

Dec 14, 2002

Dec 07, 2002

Nov 23, 2002

Nov 16, 2002

Nov 09, 2002

Nov 02, 2002

Oct 26, 2002

Oct 19, 2002

Oct 12, 2002

Oct 05, 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Sep 21, 2002

Sep 14, 2002

Sep 07, 2002

Aug 24, 2002

Aug 17, 2002

Aug 10, 2002

Aug 03, 2002

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Jun 22, 2002

Jun 15, 2002

Jun 08, 2002

Jun 01, 2002

May 18, 2002

May 11, 2002

May 04, 2002

Apr 27, 2002

Apr 20, 2002

Apr 13, 2002

Apr 06, 2002

Mar 23, 2002

Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting

Jim Akers presiding

President Jim Akers opened the meeting and called upon Toastmaster Fushan Zhang, who introduced returning guest Myrna Gordon.

Akers presented toastmaster Beverly Farnell with a Vice President Public Relations of the Year Award for her work in having a Toast of Jax article published in The District 47 Sunshiner newsletter. The award was a copy of the article laminated for posterity’s sake. The article, written by Farnell, highlighted the Club’s youth leadership accomplishments. See article <here>

In accepting the award, VP Public Relations Farnell mentioned that she is working on having an article published in the Toastmaster s International monthly magazine. The article, “To Web or Not to Web, Now That’s a Question” was authored by Toastmaster David J. Rafanowicz at Farnell’s request and is among several being considered for a special edition of the magazine dedicated to technology.

President Akers mentioned that an article on federal tax reform was also written by Toastmaster Rafanowicz and published in the Washington Times Letters to the Editor section last week. See article <here>

President Akers called for a report from the Nominating Committee, which consisted of Toastmasters Richard Welty, Ulrich Leinhase and David J. Rafanowicz. Rafanowicz reported on behalf of the committee that recommendations for next year’s slate of officers included:

President – VP Education & Training Danny Pritchard

VP Education & Training – Toastmaster Ron Johnson

VP Membership – Toastmaster Betty Gambill

VP Public Relations – Toastmaster Grant McManus

Club Secretary – Club Secretary Yurania Causey

Club Treasurer – Candidate recommendation(s) needed

Sergeant-at-Arms – Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Welty


The committee had contacted each of the individuals and already received confirmation back from all except Toastmaster Betty Gambill. Recommendations or volunteers for the position of Club Treasurer are needed. Members interested in the position should contact one of the committee members ASAP. Elections will be held at next week’s meeting. Nominations for all positions will be accepted from the floor. In the event of multiple nominees for any office, voting will occur by secret ballot.

Toastmaster Jackie Pease made a motion to accept the membership application of Tom Dyskiewicz. The motion was duly seconded, opened for discussion and approved. Welcome aboard Tom Dyskiewicz. Tom’s new e-mail address will be

Regular Club Meeting



Roy Kenski (Mother’s Day)

Word of the Day

Mother – no definition required


Ribbon for best use: Gail Antoine

Table Topics

Ron Johnson (Politics and Political Campaign Tactics)

Kamlesh Fadia

What’s your opinion on negative political campaigns? Do they help? (2:36)

Millie Tannen

If you were one of the candidates and you were running behind, would you run negative campaign ads on the advice of others? (1:08)

David Rafanowicz

You are also running for office. If your opponent were running negative ads would you run negative ads too? (1:41) (Best)

Jim Akers

Is it acceptable to lower the  standards for FCAT testing? (1:55)



Mel Epley

Call to Action (A Brave German Saga) (10:24)

Gail Antoine

"It's What I Do" (Writing a Paper for a Masters’ Thesis) (7:07)

Jim Domenico

Global Warming –  Some Fundamental Questions and Answers (Is the Surface Temperature Rising and If So Is It  Significant?) (13:17)

Ramin Mahmoodi

Where Are You From? (Tales From Around the World and What “Where are you From“ Really Means) (5:40) (Best)


Milo Holt (Mothermaster of the Day)


Ulrich Leinhase (3:40)


Jackie Pease (2:49) (Best)


Danny Pritchard (2:14)


Richard Welty (1:49)


Shauib KarimTable Topics- Doing it Well



Guest Comments


Myrna Gordon – Returning guest. Enjoyed the meeting. Look forward to joining the club.


Joke Meister

Millie Tannen (How Do It Know?)


A young blond mother took a job in a shopping mall and on her first day of work made some interesting purchases during her lunch hour. The next day at lunch, she was showing off one of her purchases to a co-worker.

“What is it?” asked the co-worker.

“It’s a thermos bottle,” gushed the blond, “The salesperson told me it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.”

“Neat,” exclaimed the co-worker, “what do you have in it?”

“Two cups of coffee and a popsicle,” the blonde enthused.



President Jim Akers congratulated Toastmaster Mel Epley on accomplishing his CTM today. Way to go Mel!

Vice President of Education, Danny Pritchard announced that a Dramatic Reading Contest will take place at the  June 21 meeting.

Attendance   20 members and 1 guests

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:17 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
