Current Week

October 25, 2003

Award Corner

Best Speaker

Evonya Cornelius

Best Evaluator

Richard Welty

Table Topics

Steve Lazar

Word of Day

Gail Antoine



Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union




Business Meeting

Danny Pritchard presiding

Toastmaster David Rafanowicz made a motion to set a theme for the November 22 meeting to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. The motion was duly seconded and approved by members present. All four speeches and table topics will be dedicate to the topic. The speeches will be coordinated to provide a broad picture with minimal duplication of effort.

Regular Club Meeting



Grant McManus (Imaginations run wild)

Word of the Day

Frightful (adj.) 1.  very serious: used to indicate the seriousness or severity of something; 2. foul: extremely bad or unpleasant; 3.  very great: used to indicate that somebody or something is an extreme example of something specified; 4.  terrifying: capable of causing fear, shock, or dread


Ribbon for best use: Gail Antoine

Table Topics

Kamlesh Fadia (Quotations from the Dalai Lama - What do they mean to you?)

Millie Tannen

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for others (1:40)

Tina Fernandez

Self-discipline is crucial to a simpler, more contented life (1:00)

Myrna Gordon

To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house (1:25)

Steve Lazar

An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful. (1:39) (Best)

Fushan Zhang

The concentration of wealth while others starve should be a source of shame (1:34)



David Rafanowicz

Breaking More Ice (Telling a Personal Tale at Arm’s Length)(9:53)

Evonya Cornelius

A Tale of One City, a Truck and the Vision (An Icebreaker by an Accomplished Speaker) (7:25) (Best)

Gail Antoine

All About Needles & Injections (An Expert’s View on a Topic That Frightens Many)(7:24)

Kevin Corbett

An Invitation to Dinner (Beware the Cultist Who Invites You to a Harmless Dinner) (7:18)


Milo Holt (Excellent Meeting)


Jim Akers (2:13)


Jackie Pease (3:10)


Richard Welty (2:51) (Best)


Danny Pritchard (2:44)


Ulrich LeinhaseHow to Evaluate




Guest Comments


Lenora Welty- Interesting meeting. Thinking of starting a new Toastmasters club in Amsterdam

Joke Meister

Steve Lazar (Hey Buddy, Can You Spare a Ticket?)

An old Italian gentleman man walked up to an airport ticket counter.

"I want a round trip ticket," he said.

"To where?" asked the clerk.

"To here," replied the old man.

"I mean , where do you want to go?"

The old man said  “to Italy".

"That'll be $600," said the clerk.

“I only have $599.95. You will take, no?"

"Look, pal, if I sold all these tickets for less than they are worth, I'd be in a lot of trouble with my boss."

So the old man wandered around in the airport...."'scuse me, please. Can you spare a nickel, Ma’am" ....."Mr... do you have 5 cents?"  

Finally one sympathetic guy stopped and said, "Sure, here's a nickel, what do you need it for?"

"I need five cents to go to Italy," responded the old man.

"Well", said the guy, "in that case, here's a quarter. Take the whole family!"



Toastmaster Rafanowicz reminded those present that there were two speaker slots available for the November 22 JFK theme meeting.

Attendance   19 members and 1 guests

Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:20 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Member Accomplishments

This section is available for members to submit an article on how Toastmasters has positively impacted their lives. Publication is subject to editorial discretion based upon appropriateness of content, length and language. Articles should be limited to 250 words (and a photograph if appropriate). A maximum of one such item will be published in each edition. Members are encouraged to submit an article. (For anyone concerned about authoring a publishable article, please submit a draft with main thoughts and ideas for consideration. It will be edited and returned for review before publication.)

David J. Rafanowicz reporting

Grant McManus, Photographer

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
