Current Week

June 21, 2003


Year 2003

Year 2002


Other Media



Florida Times Union



Changing of the Guard!

President Jim Akers passes the gavel to incoming President Danny Pritchard and his team. From left to right, VP Membership Betty Gambill. Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Welty, Immediate Past President Jim Akers, President Danny Pritchard, VP Education and Training Ron Johnson, Secretary Yurania Causey and Treasurer Fushan Zhang. (Notes: VP Public Relations Grant McManus unavailable for photo. Titles apply July 1, 2003.)


Business Meeting

Jim Akers presiding


President Jim Akers introduced guests Kevin Corbett and Sudhir Thambala.


Akers announced publication of an article titled "To Web or Not to Web – That’s Not a Question" in the June edition of The Toastmaster magazine. The article, written by club member David Rafanowicz, highlights the advantages of having a club web site. According to Akers, the site has experienced heavy activity in the past few days and David has received e-mail inquires from other clubs wanting to launch their own sites. A copy of the article is available on-line by clicking <here>.

President Akers presented out-going officers with officer pins in recognition of their service to the club. Those present and “pinned” by Akers included Sergeant-at Arms Richard Welty, Secretary Yurania Causey and Danny Pritchard, VP of Education and Training.

See below for end-of-year awards and officer installation news.


Regular Club Meeting




Nandu Shah (Odd, little-known factoids)


Word of the Day

Tenacious - Persistent, stubborn



Ribbon for best use: Hank Heinold


Table Topics

Richard Welty (Current Events)


Ron Johnson

Are you Happy with the NCAA Basketball Finals (1:58)


Yurania Causey

What Do You think About the Recent Accomplishments in Baseball (2:00)


Danny Pritchard

Tell Us About the Problem Being Discussed in the Special Session of the State Legislation (1:40)


Fushan Zhang

What’s Your Opinion of the FCAT Controversy? (1:23)


David Rafanowicz

What Do You Think About the Recent Report from the White House on  Global Warming (1:57) (Best)





Hank Heinold

What If You Lost Your Job Tomorrow? (Preparing for the Possibilities) (7:30)


Ramin Mahmoodi

Annabel Lee (An Edgar Allan Poe Reading) (6:01) (Best)


Steve Lazar

The Circle Game (A Upcoming Marriage With the Same Birthday as the Last Generation) ( (7:59)



Betty Gambill (Great meeting as always)



Felix Unger (2:36)



Ulrich Leinhase (2:41)



Jim Akers (3:00) (Best)



Jim Domenico – Introductions that Work!





Guest Comments



Kevin Corbett – Found Toast of Jax on the internet and received valuable information from club members before his recent move here from New York. Says the web site is “incredible” and that he will be joining . Nothing like his previous club.

Sudhir Thambala— Basically this looks like a very accomplished group. It  may be a bit intimidating, but he’s going to join us anyway!



Installation/End of Year Awards

Outgoing President Jim Akers recognized David Rafanowicz as Toastmaster of the Year, citing his arduous work for the good of the club. David’s name was engraved on a brass plate and added to the club pillar, which symbolizes the “pillars” of our club. In his acceptance speech, David gave credit to other Toastmasters who did behind-the-scenes work and who provided encouragement. He specifically cited VP Education and Traing Danny Pritchard for his tireless efforts in getting the schedule to him every week, Toastmasters Richard Welty and Ulrich Leinhase for suggesting that he write something for The Toastmaster Magazine, and VP Public Relations Beverly Farnell for committing to the article and letting him know his deadline, and other unsung heroes who make ours “the best club in Jacksonville, the best in the State of Florida, the best in the United States and perhaps the best in the world.” The group responded with a standing ovation and David got one of those infamous “aw shucks” looks as he took his seat.

Incoming President Danny Prichard presented our Current President Jim Akers with a special award plaque for achieving the President’s Distinguished Club recognition in the present year. Under Jim’s leadership, the club reached the highest level attainable by having completed all ten of the ten goals set by Toastmasters International. As a result, the Club will also receive recognition from TI and a ribbon to add to the Club banner. In accepting the award, Jim recognized the efforts of all members in accomplishing the goals. He thanked VP Membership Millie Tannen for her role in keeping membership levels at the award level and Toastmaster Steve Lazar for leading the Speechcraft Program.

President Akers, who will be absent next week as he attends an educational program related to his new role as Area Governor, conducted a formal officer installation ceremony. He passed the gavel, in turn, to each incoming officer and received their commitment to carry out the duties of their respective offices. The gavel was passed to Sergeant-at-Arms Richard Welty, Treasurer Fushan Zhang, Secretary Yurania Causey, VP Membership Betty Gambill, VP Education and Training Ron Johnson and finally to President Danny Pritchard. Akers also pinned each participant with the appropriate officer’s pin. Although the new slate of officers does not officially take office until July 1, Akers then symbolically turned control of the meeting over to Pritchard.


Joke Meister

Milo Holt  (Three-Legged Chickens)


A traveling salesman stopped by to see a farmer and was amazed to observe three-legged chickens running around the barnyard. When he commented on the unusual birds, the farmer told him that it had taken him ten years to breed them to have the extra leg.

“That’s wonderful,” declared the salesman, “ everyone in my family prefers dark meat.  Do they taster any different?”

“Don’t know,” replied the farmer, “haven’t been able to catch one yet!”




In conjunction with his speech topic today, Toastmaster Hank Heinold announced that he will be presenting a workshop for individuals looking for or involved in a career transition. The workshop will be available at a modest cost for any member interested in participating.


Attendance   20 members and 2 guests


Presiding Officer Danny Pritchard adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Incoming Presidential flourish at approximately 9:15 a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor

