Current Week

March 1, 2003


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Mar 16, 2002

Mar 09, 2002

Mar 02, 2002

Feb 23, 2002

Feb 16, 2002

Feb 09, 2002


Business Meeting

Jim Akers presiding

President Jim Akers welcomed guests Myrna Gordon and Keri Tarnowski and Paul Luthra to the meeting.

Toastmaster Mady Janisch referred to language in the member’s manual that levied a 25˘ fine for not wearing a Toastmaster pin to the meeting. Toastmaster David Rafanowicz clarified that the fine had been eliminated by a prior vote, but that the manual had not been updated to reflect the change.

Toastmaster Steve Lazar briefly reviewed the Eugene Butle Middle School speechcraft program and requested volunteers for the next four weeks.

Toastmaster Lazar also credited Toastmasters for his ability to serve as a moderator on a panel at  a recent book fair.

Regular Club Meeting



Steve Lazar

Word of the Day

equivocate - to avoid making an explicit statement.


Ribbon for best use: Mel Epley

Table Topics

Betty Gambill (The Games People Play)

Gail Antonie

How would you sell the game of Jacks to a 10 year old girl? (2:11)

Ulrich Leinhase

What do you know about Hop Scotch? (1:41)

Danny Pritchard

What could you tell us about the Hula hoop (1:33) (Best)

Hank Heinold

What could you tell us about the double Dutch jump rope (1:27)


Panel from Advanced Technical Manual (Topics to Ponder About Quantum Mechanics)

Jim Dominico

Plank's Ultraviolet Catastrophe (4:30)

Charlie Derrick

Electron Split Experiment Where Electrons Set Up Diffusion Patterns (6:36)

Ron Johnson

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (10:18)

Graeme Matthews

Schrodinger's Cat (Is it Live or is it Memorex?)(12:12) (Best)


Nandu Shah


Nandu Shah (1:36)


Grant McManus (3:17)


Mel Epley (2:08)


David Rafanowicz (2:58) (Best)


Paul Luthra – Toastmaster from a visitor’s perspective.  



Guest Comments


Keri Tarnowski- Originally from Missouri, then on toTexas, Chicago and now Jacksonville. Joined Toastmasters in 1991. Held prior officer slots and Area Governor position. Looks forward to visiting and joining.

Myrna Gordon- Interested in self-improvement and speaking in public. Like to come again.

Paul Luthra – on his third visit while completing an-out-of-town assignment. Feels like an old friend of Toast of Jax. Will be back to visit us in the future if his work brings him back to Jacksonville.

Joke Meister

Ulrich Leinhase (Mean Florida Gators)

President Bush and Osama bin Laden agreed that that best way to resolve their differences was through a duel. They decided that each would prepare a dog for a fight and whoever created the meanest dog would win.

Six months later, the duel was to begin. Osama let loose the most vicious pit bull one could imagine into the arena. Bush, on the other hand, let loose a six-foot wiener dog. The wiener god sat patiently waiting while the pit bull circled and circled. Finally when the pit bull came within its grasp, the wiener dog gobbled down the pit bull in a single bite. 

Asked how he managed to come up with such a fierce wiener dog, the president replied, “do you know how much plastic surgery we had to do to make that Florida gator look like a weinger dog?”



Club level International Speech and Table Topics Contests will be held at the regular meeting March 29.

Nandu Shah’s daughter would like to join our club.

Graeme Matthews thanked the team who helped him complete the advanced manual assignment today: Jim Domenico, Charlie Derrick and Ron Johnson.

Attendance   20 members and 3 guests

Presiding Officer Jim Akers adjourned the meeting with a decidedly Presidential flourish at approximately 9:22  a.m.

Another great meeting and a good time was had by all!

Yurania Causey reporting

David J. Rafanowicz, Editor
